How to capture linux signals in julia - julia

I'm looking for a way to capture SIGINT in a julia script on a linux host, but I'm not able to understand how to manage signals.
In the REPL:
julia > try
catch e
#info "interrupt captured!"
[ Info: interrupt captured!
Instead, executing demo.jl:
catch e
#info "interrupt captured!"
terminal> julia demo.jl
signal (2): Interrupt
in expression starting at /tmp/demo.jl:3
epoll_pwait at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (unknown line)
uv__io_poll at /workspace/srcdir/libuv/src/unix/linux-core.c:270
uv_run at /workspace/srcdir/libuv/src/unix/core.c:359
jl_task_get_next at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/src/partr.c:473
poptask at ./task.jl:704
wait at ./task.jl:712 [inlined]
How to manage the interrupt in this case?

As described here InterruptException is not thrown by Ctrl-C when you exec julia demo.jl. Use instead:
while true
#info "."
catch e
#info "interrupt captured!"
And I think sleep(1000) isn't helpful in this context.

I would not use exceptions if you want to just catch the SIGINT signal, i would set an handler. You should take a look at the atexit(f) function.
atexit() do
//Handle your exception here if necessary
EDIT: Try this way if the first doesn't works:
//Code to be executed when the signal is received


System signal interception in Julia

In a Julia program which run under Linux, I need to launch a dedicated action when a console window is resized. So how in Julia, can I intercept the system signal SIGWINCH (window resizing) and attach to it a function which performs the required action ?
In Ada it is rather straightforward to declare it :
protected Signalhandler is
procedure Handlewindowresizing;
pragma Attach_Handler (Handlewindowresizing, SIGWINCH);
end Signalhandler;
TENTATIVE SOLUTION BASED ON IDEA OF SCHEMER : I try to use a C Library which conducts the SIGWINCH interruption monitoring.
void Winresize (void Sig_Handler());
#include "myLibrary.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
void Winresize(void sig_handler (void)) {
signal(SIGWINCH, sig_handler);
Compilation & Library preparation
gcc -c -Wall -fPIC myLibrary.c
gcc -shared -fPIC -o myLibrary.o
Program in Julia which uses the C-Library :
function getc1()
ret = ccall(:jl_tty_set_mode, Int32, (Ptr{Cvoid},Int32), stdin.handle, true)
ret == 0 || error("unable to switch to raw mode")
c = read(stdin, UInt8)
ccall(:jl_tty_set_mode, Int32, (Ptr{Cvoid},Int32), stdin.handle, false)
function traitement() println(displaysize(stdout)); end
Mon_traitement_c = #cfunction(traitement, Cvoid, ())
ccall((:Winresize, "/home/Emile/programmation/Julia/"), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), Mon_traitement_c)
while true
The Julia program run properly but when the terminal window is resized a Segmentation fault (core dumped) is issued and program is said exited with code: 139.
So the question is where does this segmentation fault come from ? From the compilation model ? Julia has not the right to control code execution in the memory part where C manages the signal monitoring ?
Removing println operation in Sig_handler suppress the segmentation fault :
curr_size = displaysize(stdout)
new_size = curr_size
function traitement() global new_size ; new_size = displaysize(stdout); return end
Mon_traitement_c = #cfunction(traitement, Cvoid, ())
ccall((:Winresize, "/home/Emile/programmation/Julia/"), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), Mon_traitement_c)
while true
global curr_size, new_size
if new_size != curr_size
curr_size = new_size
Since no one has answered this question so far, one possible workaround could be asynchronously monitoring the size of the terminal in some time intervals.
function monitor_term(func)
#async begin
curr_size = displaysize(stdout)
while (true)
new_size = displaysize(stdout)
if new_size != curr_size
curr_size = new_size
And now sample usage:
julia> monitor_term(() -> print("BOO!"))
Task (runnable) #0x0000000013071710
As long as the terminal is alive, any change to its size will print BOO!.
Yes, it is indeed a fallback solution which is hardly what one expects from a new language full of promises ... but for lack of thrushes we can actually eat blackbirds (smile).
But if Julia hasn't planned to be able to take into account the system signals of the Unix/Linux world, it might be possible to do it using a C library like the one that signal.h accesses.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
void sig_handler(int signum)
printf("Received signal %d\n", signum);
int main()
signal(SIGINT, sig_handler);
sleep(10); // This is your chance to press CTRL-C
return 0;
We would have to define a julia function doing what is expected when the system signal is received. Make it usable in C as Sig_handler and call from julia the C statement signal(SIGWINCH, Sig_handler);
I am not enough familiar with julia to write the exact code. But this is the idea...

Running Autoit from command line and see errors/results

I am trying to run some autoit.au3 script from command line and see results there. I have put some ConsoleWrite inside script and also Exit(1) but after I run script nothing is shown in console. It just stop script on Exit and ConsoleWrite is not displayed.
I have use command:
"C:...(path to my AutoIt3.exe)" /ErrorStdOut "path_to_my_script.au3"'
Also I have tried to run script.exe with this same command but with similar (no) result. I would like to see output in console and/or custom error messages when script fail (I don't know if that is possible).
AutoIt3.exe is a GUI program. So the STD streams of a GUI program are not printed at a console by default.
The /ErrorStdOut argument redirects errors messages to Console instead of a Msgbox.
This argument does not enable print at the Console.
Command Prompt:
To print at a Command Prompt, you could pipe to more, i.e.
"C:...(path to my AutoIt3.exe)" /ErrorStdOut "path_to_my_script.au3" 2>&1|more
more reads from the Stdin stream and prints to Console.
I intentionly added 2>&1 so the Stderr stream is merged with
Stdout so you get the merged streams printed.
If you do not want the errors, then you can redirect the Stderr stream to nul i.e.
replace 2>&1 with 2>nul.
If you used a for loop at a Command Prompt, it would be i.e.
for /f "delims=" %A in ('"C:...(path to my AutoIt3.exe)" /ErrorStdOut test1.au3') do echo %A
If you use the for loop in batch-file, use %%A instead of %A. To also capture the Stderr, insert 2^>&1 into the for command or to ignore, insert 2^>nulinto the for command i.e.
for /f "delims=" %A in ('2^>nul "C:...(path to my AutoIt3.exe)" /ErrorStdOut test1.au3') do echo %A
The previous methods will not get the Exitcode.
AutoIt code:
An AutoIt script can get the Stdout and the Exitcode.
#pragma compile(Out, 'consoleau3.exe')
#pragma compile(Console, True)
$sAutoit = 'C:...(path to my AutoIt3.exe)'
$iPid = Run('"' & $sAutoit & '" /ErrorStdout ' & $CMDLINERAW, '', #SW_SHOW, 2) ; 2 = Get Stdout stream.
If #error Then Exit
; Open process handle.
$hPid = _ProcessOpenHandle($iPid)
; Get Stdout stream and then print to Console.
$sStdout = ''
If $sStdout Then ConsoleWrite($sStdout & #CRLF)
$sStdout = StdoutRead($iPid)
Until #error
; Require process to be closed before calling _ProcessGetExitCode()
; Get exitcode of process.
$iExitcode = _ProcessGetExitCode($hPid)
; Close process handle.
Exit $iExitcode
Func _ProcessOpenHandle($iPID)
; Get the process handle of the process to query\n Return: Success Handle as array. Failure 0
Local $hPID = DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'ptr', 'OpenProcess', 'int', $PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, 'int', 0, 'int', $iPID)
If #error Then Return SetError(#error, #extended, 0)
Return $hPID[0]
Func _ProcessGetExitcode($hPID)
; Get exitcode of the closed process\n Return: Success Exitcode as integer. Failure 0
Local $vPlaceholder
$hPID = DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'ptr', 'GetExitCodeProcess', 'ptr', $hPID, 'int*', $vPlaceholder)
If #error Then Return SetError(#error, #extended, 0)
Return $hPID[2]
Func _ProcessCloseHandle($hPID)
; Close the handle of a process\n Return: Success 1. Failure 0
DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'ptr', 'CloseHandle', 'ptr', $hPID)
If #error Then Return SetError(#error, #extended, 0)
Return 1
Correct the path to AutoIt.exe in the code.
Compile to AutoIt code to executable. It will be a Console program
and will be named consoleau3.exe as to the #pragma compile directives.
consoleau3 "path_to_my_script.au3"
Script arguments can be added i.e.
consoleau3 "path_to_my_script.au3" arg1 arg2 arg3 ...

Signal being forwarded to children for the symfony process component

I'm trying to write a small script that will manage a series of background processes using the symfony component Process (
For this to work correctly i would like to handle signals sent to the main process, mainly SIGINT (ctrl + c).
When the main process gets this signal, it should stop starting new processes, wait for all current processes to exit and then exit itself.
I successfully catch the signal in the main process but the problem is that the child-processes gets the signal too and exits immediately.
Is there any way of changing this behavior or interrupting this signal?
This is my example script to demonstrate the behavior.
#!/usr/bin/env php
require_once __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";
use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;
$process = new Process("sleep 10");
$exitHandler = function ($signo) use ($process) {
print "Got signal {$signo}\n";
while ($process->isRunning()) {
pcntl_signal(SIGINT, $exitHandler);
while (true) {
Running this script, and sending the signal (pressing ctrl + c) will immediately stop the parent and child processes).
If i replace the while-loop with the isRunning call and the sleep with a call to the wait-method on the process i get an RuntimeException saying: The process has been signaled with signal "2".
If i take a more manual approach and execute the child process with phps build in exec, i get the behavior i want.
#!/usr/bin/env php
require_once __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";
exec(sprintf("%s > %s 2>&1 & echo $! >> %s", "sleep 10", "/dev/null", "/tmp/"));
$exitHandler = function ($signo) {
print "Got signal {$signo}\n";
$pid = file_get_contents("/tmp/");
while (isRunning($pid)) {
pcntl_signal(SIGINT, $exitHandler);
while (true) {
function isRunning($pid){
$result = shell_exec(sprintf("ps %d", $pid));
if( count(preg_split("/\n/", $result)) > 2){
return true;
}catch(Exception $e){}
return false;
In this case, when i send the signal, the main process waits for it's child to finish before exiting.
Is there any way to get the behavior in the symfony process component?
It's not the behavior of Symfony's Process, but behavior of ctrl+c in UNIX terminal. When you press ctrl+c in terminal signal is sent to process group (parent and all child processes).
Manual approach works because sleep isn't child process. When you want to use Symfony's component you can change child's process group with posix_setpgid:
$otherGroup = posix_getpgid(posix_getppid());
posix_setpgid($process->getPid(), $otherGroup);
Then signal won't be sent to $process. That's the only working solution I found when I recently tackled with similar problem.
Sending signals to process group
Child process is created in Symfony example. You can check it in terminal.
# find pid of your script
ps -aux | grep "myscript.php"
# show process tree
pstree -a pid
# you will see that sleep is child process
php myscript.php
└─sh -c sleep 20
└─sleep 20
Signal sent to process group is nicely visible when you print information about process in $exitHandler:
$exitHandler = function ($signo) use ($process) {
print "Got signal {$signo}\n";
while ($process->isRunning()) {
$isSignaled = $process->hasBeenSignaled() ? 'YES' : 'NO';
echo "Signaled? {$isSignaled}\n";
echo "Exit code: {$process->getExitCode()}\n\n";
When you press ctrl+c or kill process group:
# kill process group (like in ctrl+c)
kill -SIGINT -pid
# $exitHandler's output
Got signal 2
Signaled? YES
Exit code: 130
When signal is send only to parent process then you'll get expected behavior:
# kill only main process
kill -SIGINT pid
# $exitHandler's output
Got signal 2
Signaled? NO
Exit code: 0
Now the solution is obvious. Don't create child process or change processs group, so signal is sent only to parent process.
Disadvantages of changing process group
Be aware of consequences when real child process isn't used. $process won't be terminated when parent process is killed with SIGKILL. If $process is long-running script then you could have multiple running instances after restarting parent process. It's good idea to check running processes before starting $process.

Qt - Wait for Qprocess to finish

I'm using CMD by QProcess but I have a problem.
My code:
QProcess process;
process.write ("del f:\\b.txt\n\r");
When I don't pass an argument for waitForFinished() it waits for 30 secs. I want to terminate QProcess after CMD command is executed! Not much and not less!
You need to terminate the cmd.exe by sending exit command, otherwise it will wait for commands
Here is my suggestion:
QProcess process;
process.write ("del f:\\b.txt\n\r");
process.write ("exit\n\r");
The process you're starting is cmd.exe which, by itself will, not terminate. If you call cmd with arguments, you should achieve what you want: -
QProcess process;
process.start("cmd.exe \"del f:\\b.txt"\"");
Note that the arguments are escaped in quotes.
Alternatively, you could call the del process, without cmd: -
QProcess process;
process.start("del \"f:\\b.txt"\"");
Finally, if you just want to delete a file, you could use the QFile::remove function.
QFile file("f:\\b.txt");
qDebug() << "File removed successfully";

Killing a Haskell binary

If I press Ctrl+C, this throws an exception (always in thread 0?). You can catch this if you want - or, more likely, run some cleanup and then rethrow it. But the usual result is to bring the program to a halt, one way or another.
Now suppose I use the Unix kill command. As I understand it, kill basically sends a (configurable) Unix signal to the specified process.
How does the Haskell RTS respond to this? Is it documented somewhere? I would imagine that sending SIGTERM would have the same effect as pressing Ctrl+C, but I don't know that for a fact...
(And, of course, you can use kill to send signals that have nothing to do with killing at all. Again, I would imagine that the RTS would ignore, say, SIGHUP or SIGPWR, but I don't know for sure.)
Googling "haskell catch sigterm" led me to System.Posix.Signals of the unix package, which has a rather nice looking system for catching and handling these signals. Just scroll down to the "Handling Signals" section.
EDIT: A trivial example:
import System.Posix.Signals
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
termHandler :: MVar () -> Handler
termHandler v = CatchOnce $ do
putStrLn "Caught SIGTERM"
putMVar v ()
loop :: MVar () -> IO ()
loop v = do
putStrLn "Still running"
threadDelay 1000000
val <- tryTakeMVar v
case val of
Just _ -> putStrLn "Quitting" >> return ()
Nothing -> loop v
main = do
v <- newEmptyMVar
installHandler sigTERM (termHandler v) Nothing
loop v
Notice that I had to use an MVar to inform loop that it was time to quit. I tried using exitSuccess from System.Exit, but since termHandler executes in a thread that isn't the main one, it can't cause the program to exit. There might be an easier way to do it, but I've never used this module before so I don't know of one. I tested this on Ubuntu 12.10.
Searching for "signal" in the ghc source code on github revealed the installDefaultSignals function:
struct sigaction action,oact;
// install the SIGINT handler
action.sa_handler = shutdown_handler;
action.sa_flags = 0;
if (sigaction(SIGINT, &action, &oact) != 0) {
sysErrorBelch("warning: failed to install SIGINT handler");
siginterrupt(SIGINT, 1); // isn't this the default? --SDM
// install the SIGFPE handler
// In addition to handling SIGINT, also handle SIGFPE by ignoring it.
// Apparently IEEE requires floating-point exceptions to be ignored by
// default, but alpha-dec-osf3 doesn't seem to do so.
// Commented out by SDM 2/7/2002: this causes an infinite loop on
// some architectures when an integer division by zero occurs: we
// don't recover from the floating point exception, and the
// program just generates another one immediately.
#if 0
action.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
action.sa_flags = 0;
if (sigaction(SIGFPE, &action, &oact) != 0) {
sysErrorBelch("warning: failed to install SIGFPE handler");
#ifdef alpha_HOST_ARCH
// ignore SIGPIPE; see #1619
// actually, we use an empty signal handler rather than SIG_IGN,
// so that SIGPIPE gets reset to its default behaviour on exec.
action.sa_handler = empty_handler;
action.sa_flags = 0;
if (sigaction(SIGPIPE, &action, &oact) != 0) {
sysErrorBelch("warning: failed to install SIGPIPE handler");
From that, you can see that GHC installs at least SIGINT and SIGPIPE handlers. I don't know if there are any other signal handlers hidden in the source code.
