Modifying remote JavaScripts as they load with CefSharp version 79? - cefsharp

I am using Cefsharp.Winform version 79 (the latest version).
After load a web page, I want to modify the loaded content of a js file.
I found some suggestions in the answer to question Modifying remote JavaScripts as they load with CefSharp?
but it was 3 years ago and they used old version of cefsharp.
How do I perform this using cefsharp version 79?
Please help me.


There are no Views in the 2sic App-Media Directory application sample

I've downloaded App-Media Directory from, and install it fine, but when I go into Apps Management I do NOT see any Views (or Queries or WebAPIs), and I believe I've seen references to List View and Press Release View. I also don't find this on GitHub to see if they might be there somehow.
Any ideas? I've not looked at older releases yet.
I posted a quick response to this on the same git-hub question. basically it's a very old ZIP format with an old XML inside it.
Importing it into a 2sxc 8 and re-exporting it fixes stuff, but since the app is very old and uses AngularJS, I don't recommend it.

ASP.Net MVC - can't change bootstrap version

I am new to Asp.Net MVC, trying to create my first website.
I was using bootstrap v4.1.1 in my project until I noticed that a library I wanted to use doesn't support it.
So I uninstalled the package (in Package Manager Console) - and installed the new targeted version v3.3.0.
Made sure that my "\scripts\bootstrap.js" is v3.3.0.
Ran the application, view source, and... surprisingly it was still using v4.1.1!
Double checked the physical files in my solution folder and there is no other "bootstrap.js" flying around!
I then renamed the file to "bootstrap3.js" (and updated the "BundleConfig.cs" accordingly), and it worked!
But as soon as I revert the file name to the original "bootstrap.js", my website starts using v4.1.1 and I have no idea where the system is getting this file from!!!
This is too weird... Hoping someone here has an idea of what's happening.

Latest version of Ajax Control toolkit loading 150 .axd files

I have installed the latest version of Ajax Control Toolkit, it is loading 150 ScriptResource.axd files approx. which is taking long time to load which in turn is making my website very slow, please suggest how to overcome this issue?
The latest version of Ajax Control toolkit is loading all the scripts by default, you have to code manually so that you can load only the required scripts for the used controls on the page. For Achieving this functionality, you have to create AjaxControlToolkit.config to define the bundles which in turn can be used by the individual pages. Please follow the below links it explains all the functionality that is required by you:

Which is the correct web site to download Moq binary files?

I want to play around with Moq framework. I wanted to download the framework, so I reached through google, but the first line mentions that this project has been moved to GitHub. When I went to GitHub I see only the source code. My questions are :
1) Which is the correct web site to download Moq binaries.? (I do not want Source code.).
2) Why am I not able to view the binary files in the GitHub website for Moq. Is it that I need to download the source code and then compile it myself.?
3) Should I only go to GitHub website in future for any updates. Currently provides binary files.
The moq project now moved to github. The quickstart is also now on github
So to answer you questions:
You can get the latest version from nuget:
Or download the latest binaries from github:
At the moment you can still download the old moq binaris from the Downloads page: (you can use to search filter if you are looking for older versions) or you can use
In the future a who knows where it be hosted, because it is an open source project you can create you own fork and maintain it to make sure that it will last until you need it.

How can I manually update jQuery UI installed via NuGet package?

I am working on an ASP.NET Web Forms project that was generated using the default Visual Studio 2012 project template. I have since then used NuGet to install jQuery UI version 1.10.0.
I need to update to jQuery UI 1.10.1 because there is a bug fix I need. According to the website, 1.10.1 is the current stable version. However, there is not a NuGet package available for this version!
I don't know why the NuGet package would lag behind the latest available stable release from the jQuery UI team on their website. (Yes, I realize there is probably a different team managing the nuget package itself... but it still seems like this needs to be kept up to date.... or the value of installing jQuery via NuGet is very limited.)
How do I update jQuery UI (installed as a NuGet package) manually to 1.10.1 on my project?
I have already downloaded the latest 1.10.1 javascript files. Now.... when I look inside my ASP.NET Web Forms project, I see in the following files in the Scripts folder:
So what should I do here... delete the following two files?
...and replace with these new files?
This doesn't seem like it would work.
The way jQuery is being include in my masterpage (from the default template generated by Visual Studio 2012) is like this:
That JS bundle you see above, called "jquery.ui.combined" is auto-magically generated by some kind of hidden code. Go ahead and look through your project... you won't find anywhere obvious this bundle is defined. So if I add the latest JS files... it seems I have no way to define that they get used or bundled at all. They aren't the version that the NuGet package logic/code would be expecting!!!
Any ideas?
Another potential problem
When I downloaded jQuery UI 1.10.1, it also came with jQuery Core 1.9.1. As you will see above in my Scripts folder, it appears as if jQuery UI 1.10.0 goes hand-in-hand with jQuery Core 1.9.0. If I update jQuery UI..... do I also need to update to the matching jQuery Core as well? (These are separate NuGet packages)
Please answer this specifically
I would like for the answer to explain how to manually update the version of jQuery UI installed from NuGet package.... on an ASP.NET Web Forms project.
I think this would be useful so that in the future a developer can pull down the latest bug fixes as soon as they are included in a stable release on the jQuery UI website.... without needing to wait for the package to show up on the NuGet feed.
The jQuery UI team hasn't uploaded the version 1.10.1 for their package. I'm afraid you just have to wait until they release it.
If you can't wait, you can uninstall the current version of jQuery UI first, and then manually add the script files of version 1.10.1 into your project.
Work-around... although it seems like a bad approach....
I just opened up these files....
...and replaced the contents with the contents from these files:
I left the file names the same as they were. So even though the JavaScript files are named as version "1.10.0".... they are actually holding the code for version "1.10.1".
One of the reasons I think this might be a terrible idea
What happens if some other developer attempts to pull down my code from source control... and they use NuGet Package Manager to restore the packages they did not have yet. Wouldn't it pull jQuery UI nuget package and replace the JavaScript files I have modified with the ones from the nuget package? Then the page would start exhibiting the buggy behavior again, and no one would know why.
At the very least.... for now I can continue development with the bug fixed! It was very annoying... the overlay was appearing on top of the dialog and I couldn't interact with the page. Here is the bug that was fixed:
Go To : Visual Studio -> Tools => Library Package => And Package Manager Setting
Window opens Having Options as in Screenshot
Click On Add (+) Button At Right Top And Inside Source Browser To Your Folder Location of Whatever Package of Nuget You HAve. Name is Whatever You Want And Press Ok
You Can See Now Your Package Into Extensions And Updates Window
To Install In Current Project
use Package Manager console : Install-Package ANd your package name
