WAMP WordPress Google Calendar Events error - wordpress

I am developing a WordPress site on my local computer using WAMP.
I get the following error:
"There are no HTTP transports available which can complete the
requested request. Please ensure your feed URL is correct."
I suspect this is a WAMP configuration problem.
Any suggestions?

You have a problem in your php.ini file.
Comment out the line ;extension=php_curl.dll and restart WAMP.


can not access my wordpress dashboard, when i clicked on each dashboard pageit shows me 404 bad request error

I don't know why, but I can't access my WordPress dashboard. I'm using the latest version.
What I've tried so far: I've checked permissions in the database - everything is ok, Prefix in the database is ok, I've removed wp-admin and wp-includes and I've uploaded new files from the latest version.
Error :
The 400 Bad Request Error is an HTTP response status code that indicates that the server was unable to process the request sent by the client due to invalid syntax
contact to host manager
also this may help to you
1)Clear Relevant Cookies
2)Uninstall New Extensions, Modules, or Plugins
3)Look Through the Logs
4)Log Out and Log In
Please give the writable permission on both directories and remove "w3tc-config" directory from "/wp-content/" if you have used "w3 total cache plugin"
Access wp-admin using below URL:
Please share website URL so we can better assist you.

Wordpress 404 issue after Migration in Plesk (Nginx config issue)

I recently migrated my website to DigitalOcean under plesk panel using all in one migration plugin. I kept having issues with 404 error only for pages that used permalinks configured as %postname%. For better URL format for my Content. But now if I enable the permalink I keep getting 404 error.
I used the popular suggestion of editing the nginx conf file through (through putty).
I wasn't sure of the save and exit step given after using the editor. ctrl+X shows a set of ^O^D commands. I pressed ^O and restarted it.
Now my entire website looks broken. Due to many 500 internal errors. What am I doing wrong here? kindly help me out please?
My website address is https://ourmoon.life/

How to solve http 500 error in wordpress?

I am trying to open a website since yesterday but facing this problem
This page isn’t working https://www.indgovjobs.com/ is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500
I searched on the net and tried all the method I could to solve the issue but wasn't able to solve it. I tried htaccess file method (but I don't have access to the admin panel due to the same issue), increasing php memory, disable plugin by renaming the folder. I have hosted the website via aws ec2 wordpress by bitnami instance.
Can you ssh your ec2 instance and access check the error logs? please post them here.
if you are having difficulty using ssh, check the following documentation by bitnami to troubleshoot AWS/WordPress issues.
Depending on OS or apache installation your location of the error log may be different. try following command
sudo tail -100 /var/log/apache2/error.log

getting 404 error on wordpress pages

I've seen some other people with the same issue on net,
but the solution that worked for them (updating the .htacess file), didn't go very well for me!
I used buddypress to migrate my wordpress site to my local pc, but after everything is setup, only the home page is working, other posts or pages are getting 404 errors, I also tried to deactivate plugins and changing the theme, but nothing worked.
I'm on windows 10 and i'm using wampserver 2.5.
I think that the issue is caused by Apache, but I don't know how to fix it!
my Apache version is 2.4.9
Thanks in advance guys :)
Your site’s permalink (WordPress Admin > Settings > Permalink) is set as Default, please change it to any of the other option available below. e.g: Day and name, Post name etc.
Then you’ll be able to access the board instead of the 404 error.
Another way is troubleshooting:
WordPress sites can complicate the 404 troubleshooting process. Why? WordPress is a content management system that processes its own internal rewrite array as a part of its permalinks feature.
The first step to troubleshooting 404s is to figure out whether the 404 is being caused by the web server or by WordPress.
Static file
If your file is static (e.g. a jpg image) open your FTP client and verify that the file exists.
As an example, let’s say that the URL http://example.com/wp-content/uploads/picture.jpg is producing a 404 error. You will want to:
Open FTP Client and connect to your server (if you don’t know how to do so, read this.)
Navigate to the file’s location
Verify that the file exists
If it is does not exist, you have found the source of your 404.
However, it it does exist, yet pulling the URL up in a browser results in a 404 error, continue on to find out whether the issue is web server-based or WordPress-based.
Reference Link: http://websynthesis.com/fixing-wordpress-404-errors/

"mycreatedwpsite.example.com is currently unable to handle this request. 500."

I have developed a site on WordPress.org locally on my computer.
And I wanted to launch the site online.
I purchased a GoDaddy Domain. I purchased Bluehost hosting.
And wanted to transfer the site from local server to hosting service.
I found a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cM9Z8aQTCvQ At 2:27 the tutor shows, "Before we export the database we need to change our URL.".
I did it. And I hit the "save changes" button. After that I have been trying solution after solution all over the internet.
Bluehost's ftp manager. Filezilla file transfer. Bluehost's WordPress installation (I imported my theme, didn't work.)
Tried different videos of move WordPress from localhost to server.
I found lots of articles about this problem on Internet. Even Codex WordPress Changing Site URL article.
But nothing from suggested solutions works for me.
And nothing works.
My local site by WAMP server and WordPress.org still looks amazing.
And after typing domain URL web browser still shows "isn't working."
PHP logs show:
[24-Mar-2016 16:10:50] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function
array_replace_recursive() in
on line 512
One reason that causes this issue is suppressed fatal error. Try enabling error_reporting and display_errors.
If you need to test the settings without modifying php.ini you can use something as below.
ini_set("display_errors", 1);
ini_set("track_errors", 1);
ini_set("html_errors", 1);
For the future googlers.. for me this was a permission issue which got messed up after I had checked a tag out using Git. So all I had to do was run the following command inside the website root to reset the permissions back to Directories:755 & Files:644.
chmod -R u+rwX,go+rX,go-w ./
Further more the checkout had also messed up the file ownership. So I ran the following command inside the website root to set it back to the specific user:usergroup.
chown -R web1:client0 ./
Note:- Your username:usergroup would vary, so you shall have to adjust the above command to fit your environment.
