I've got a QSharedPointer to a QMultiHash. When I try to get the QMultiHash from the QSharedPointer it messes up. My thinking is that the QHash part of the QMultiHash is unaccessible.
QSharedPointer<QMultiHash<int, JB_Node*>> aNewNodesMH(new QMultiHash<int, JB_Node*>());
aNewNodesMH->insert(1, pNode);
QVector<QSharedPointer<QMultiHash<int, JB_Node*>>> nodesMHV;
QSharedPointer<QMultiHash<int, JB_Node*>> aMHp = nodesMHV.value(0);
QMultiHash<int, JB_Node*> aMH = (*aMHp); // messes up here
QHashIterator<int, JB_Node*> i(aMH);
while (i.hasNext()){
Any way of fixing this so that it works OR is there another way of getting a Vector of QMultiHash's?
I'm actually using the original Deus Ex game from the year 2000. I created a child class of "DeusEx.Flare" and called it "rflare" and saved it to my own package. I have successfully compiled it, and it works, but not the way I intended. I want to override the function "LifeSpan = 30" and give it "LifeSpan = 120". The problem is the documentation. There practically is none. And the documentation I can find generally is too confusing and does not give good enough examples for what I'm tryng to do. here is the code. I know I'm supposed to be using the "super" expression but I have exhausted all the ways I know how to use it. I simply cannot get it to work. However, I can get it to work if I dont' mind throwing both the normal flare (which goes out in 30 seconds) and my own flare, which only drops to the ground without a sound but will in fact last 120 seconds. So my code would end up throwing 2 flares. 1 normal flare that goes out in 30 sec. and the other that does last 120 but does not get thrown like the normal flare does.
here is the code from DeusEx.Flare script that I'm trying to change.
function LightFlare()
local Vector X, Y, Z, dropVect;
local Pawn P;
if (gen == None)
LifeSpan = 30;
My first attempt was to copy this and change it in my own package. It worked but again, it shot 2 flares, 1 normal and 1 that sorta worked. I want to do only one. So here is my attempt at correcting the code.
function LightFlare()
if (gen == None)
LifeSpan = 120;
All this does is spawn the normal flare, with no difference in the time it lasts. Can someone please help me?
I would suggest copying the LightFlare function in it's entirety from the parent class and not calling super. You don't want the original function to run, as that will mess with the lifetime variable.
For instance:
class RFlare extends Flare;
function LightFlare()
local Vector X, Y, Z, dropVect;
local Pawn P;
// Original function here, change lifetime when specified.
if (gen == None)
LifeSpan = 120;
Here's the code for my paint method in my Win32 project:
case WM_PAINT:
_tcscat_s(greeting, sizeof(greeting), LoadedFile);
hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);
5, 5,
greeting, _tcslen(greeting));
EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);
I am consistently getting the error that either the stack around greeting or around ps is corrupted. To be clear, greeting is initialized like:
TCHAR greeting[100] = _T("Welcome! Your file is ");
And LoadedFile is initialized like this:
TCHAR LoadedFile[100];
LoadedFile[0] = 0;
LoadedFile is not yet changed by anything, so it shouldn't be adding anything to greeting. I've tried things like
sizeof(greeting) + 1
Which just shifts the error. Not sure what's wrong here.
Edit: Without the _tcscat_s(), call the window loads normally
Well, I found the problem, even though I don't really understand why the solution works. I just changed
_tcscat_s(greeting, sizeof(greeting), LoadedFile);
_tcscat_s(greeting, 100, LoadedFile);
Let me introduce myself.
My name is Vladimir, C++ programmer, I am from Serbia. two weeks ago I have started to learn objective-C and it was fine until tonight.
I cant remove double quotes from my NSLog output.
NSLog(#"The best singers:%#", list.best);
Strings are joined with componentsJoinedByString:#" and "
I would like to get something like this:
The best singers: Mickey and John.
But I get this:
The best singers: ("Mickey", and "John").
I cant remove comma (,) and parentheses either.
I have tried with "replaceOccurencesOfString" but with no success. It can remove any character except qoute and comma.
Also I have used -(NSString *)description method to return string.
You are getting the raw output from your list (which I assume is an array). You will have to do your own formatting to get this to display in the format that you want. You can achieve this by building your string by iterating through your array. Note that this probably isn't the most efficient nor the most robust way to achieve this.
NSMutableString *finalString = [NSMutableString string];
BOOL first = YES;
for (NSString *nameString in list) {
if (first) {
[finalString appendString:nameString];
first = NO;
} else {
[finalString appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#" and %#", nameString]];
I have a code someone wrote and there
this->llBankCode = new widgetLineEditWithLabel(tr("Bankleitzahl"), "", Qt::AlignTop, this);
QRegExpValidator *validatorBLZ = new QRegExpValidator(this);
validatorBLZ->setRegExp(QRegExp( "[0-9]*", Qt::CaseSensitive));
as it can be seen from this code, is that validatorBLZ can accept only numbers between 0 and 9. I would like to change it, that validatorBLZ would be able to get as an input whitespace as well (but not to start with a whitespace), but it wont be shown.
if i try to copy & paste a string of the format '22 34 44', the result would be an empty field. What i would like to happen is that the string '22 34 44' will be shown in the field as '223444'.
How could i do it?
You could try using:
QString string = "22 34 44";
string.replace(QString(" "), QString(""));
That will replace any spaces with a non-space.
Write your own QValidator subclass and reimplement validate and fixup. Fixup does what you ask for: changes the input in a way that makes it intermediate/acceptable.
In your case, consider the following code-snippet for fixup:
fixup (QString &input) const
QString fixed;
for (int i=0; i<input.size(); ++i)
if (input.at(i).isDigit()) fixed.append(input.at(i));
input = fixed;
(this is not tested)
The validate function will obviously look similar, returning QValidator::Invalid when it encounters a non-digit character and returning the according position in pos.
If your BLZ is limited to Germany, you could easily add the validation feature that it only returns QValidator::Acceptable when there are eight digits, and QValidator::Intermediate else.
Anyhow, writing an own QValidator, which often is very easy and straight forward, is the best (and most future-proof) solution most of the time. RegExes are great, but C++ clearly is the more powerful language here, which in addition results in a much more readable validator ;).
I encounter this problem repeatedly, and haven't a clue what is causing it. I get an exception in the DataBind: SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items.
Here are some important pieces of information:
I reload listOrgs periodically when the underlying data has changed.
The Organization.DTListAll call returns 2 Int, String pairs.
There are no duplicate or null values in the returned data
After the first two lines below, listOrgs.Items.Count is 0, and the Selected Value is 0
The selected value after the DataBind operation executes is the ID value from the first row in the data
This exception happens the very first time this code is executed after a fresh page load
listOrgs.SelectedValue = "0";
listOrgs.DataSource = new Organization().DTListAll(SiteID);
listOrgs.DataTextField = "OrganizationName";
listOrgs.DataValueField = "OrganizationID";
Apparently the solution I posted wasn't entirely effective... Eventually in my application I changed to this:
listOrgs.SelectedIndex = -1;
listOrgs.SelectedValue = null;
listOrgs.ClearSelection(); // Clears the selection to avoid the exception (only one of these should be enough but in my application I needed all..)
listOrgs.DataSource = new Organization().DTListAll(SiteID);
listOrgs.DataTextField = "OrganizationName";
listOrgs.DataValueField = "OrganizationID";
I kept getting this error.
Weird thing is that before I set the datasource and rebind after deleting an item the selected index = -1.
If I explicitly set the selectedIndex = -1; then it works and doesn't throw an error.
So even though it was already -1 setting it to -1 stops it from erroring.
Weird eh?
Try setting listOrgs.SelectedValue = "0" after you refresh the DataSource
At the moment you are trying to select the first item in an empty list.
Change the first two line with this :
listOrgs.SelectedItem.Selected = false;
In case you still have this problem this is how i resolved it:
listOrgs.SelectedIndex = -1; // Clears the SelectedIndex to avoid the exception
listOrgs.DataSource = new Organization().DTListAll(SiteID);
listOrgs.DataTextField = "OrganizationName";
listOrgs.DataValueField = "OrganizationID";
listOrgs.DataBind(); //Unless you have "listOrgs.AppendDataBoundItems = true" you don't need to clear the list
#PMarques answer helped me out and did solve my problem.
However whilst experimenting, it clicked in my head why I was gettign the error in the first place.
I was setting the "Text" attribute thinking that it might create an encompassing label or fieldset + legend, for me (which it doesn't).
The Text property for a list is infact the SelectedValue property for a ListControl.
So my mistake in misinterpreting what the text property did.
Not sure it is your case, but I had the same problem and apparently there was no explanation, then I realized doing a copy and paste on notepad of a field of database that at the beginning of the value there was a NULL.
Curious thing was that a select joining tables was working. I deleted the row and reinserted, after was working fine.
I was getting the same error repeatedly and try ending up by not setting the default selected value to Index -1.
I commented my code ddlDRIBidAmt.SelectedValue = -1
This value was set at the time where my Page Controls were reset to default values.
I know its too late to answer, but what I tried is an dirty solution but it worked.
After databinding, I am insert a item at index 0
ddl.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("---Select---","-1"));
And on setting,
I am placing try catch, In catch i am setting Value to -1