Memory error with type L"" in Win32 - win32gui

Here's the code for my paint method in my Win32 project:
case WM_PAINT:
_tcscat_s(greeting, sizeof(greeting), LoadedFile);
hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);
5, 5,
greeting, _tcslen(greeting));
EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);
I am consistently getting the error that either the stack around greeting or around ps is corrupted. To be clear, greeting is initialized like:
TCHAR greeting[100] = _T("Welcome! Your file is ");
And LoadedFile is initialized like this:
TCHAR LoadedFile[100];
LoadedFile[0] = 0;
LoadedFile is not yet changed by anything, so it shouldn't be adding anything to greeting. I've tried things like
sizeof(greeting) + 1
Which just shifts the error. Not sure what's wrong here.
Edit: Without the _tcscat_s(), call the window loads normally

Well, I found the problem, even though I don't really understand why the solution works. I just changed
_tcscat_s(greeting, sizeof(greeting), LoadedFile);
_tcscat_s(greeting, 100, LoadedFile);


Crashes when dereferencing a QSharedPointer to a QMultiHash

I've got a QSharedPointer to a QMultiHash. When I try to get the QMultiHash from the QSharedPointer it messes up. My thinking is that the QHash part of the QMultiHash is unaccessible.
QSharedPointer<QMultiHash<int, JB_Node*>> aNewNodesMH(new QMultiHash<int, JB_Node*>());
aNewNodesMH->insert(1, pNode);
QVector<QSharedPointer<QMultiHash<int, JB_Node*>>> nodesMHV;
QSharedPointer<QMultiHash<int, JB_Node*>> aMHp = nodesMHV.value(0);
QMultiHash<int, JB_Node*> aMH = (*aMHp); // messes up here
QHashIterator<int, JB_Node*> i(aMH);
while (i.hasNext()){;
Any way of fixing this so that it works OR is there another way of getting a Vector of QMultiHash's?

simple html dom find returns NULL

Having a strange behavior using simple html dom
$html = str_get_html($output, true, true, DEFAULT_TARGET_CHARSET, false);
var_dump($html->find('title', 0));
returns an object. It's ok
var_dump($html->find('body', 0));
returns NULL.
I can't understand what's wrong.
returns UTF-8 - all seems to be ok with the string.
I increased MAX_FILE_SIZE to 6000000 - it not helps (((
Just wrote mbstring.func_overload 0 in php.ini and all things begin to work perfectly.
May be this helps somebody else.

Getting a strange bug in jxBrowser

So this is a strange one. My code does a bunch a things that are hard to explain (but if necessary I´ll try to explain), but the following works:
var res = data.delete_if (function(key, value) { return key == "a"; })
but the following crashes:
data.delete_if (function(key, value) { return key == "a"; })
So, the fact that I do not save the result of the delete_if function crashes the browser with the following stack trace:
Error: test: B environment should proxy a Ruby hash. (MDArraySolTest): Java::JavaLang::IllegalStateException: Channel stream was closed before response has been received.
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java/lang/reflect/ org.jruby.javasupport.JavaMethod.invokeDirectWithExceptionHandling(org/jruby/javasupport/
Any ideas of why this happens? Any solutions? I can provide more information if needed.
Doing some more tests I found out that the error occurs only if the call to data.delete_if is the last statement on the script. If I add for example: console.log(""); after the call, everything works fine.

Peculiar error with ColdFusion on BlueDragon.NET

We've got an odd issue occurring with ColdFusion on BlueDragon.NET. Asking here because of the broad experience of StackOverflow users.
Tags inside POSTed content to out BlueDragon.NET server gets removed, and we're not sure where in the stack it's getting removed. So for example if we post this data
<sd ac="" pc="7.0" at="1289834380459" ct="" ><t id="lo8" sc=";;" st="c" /></sd>
<sd ac='' pc='7.0' at='1289834380459' ct='' ><t id='lo8' sc=';;' st='c' /></sd>
<sd ac="" pc="7.0" at="1289834380459" ct="" ><t id="lo8" sc=";;" st="c" /></sd>
<sd ac="" pc="7.0" at="1289834380459" ct="" ><t id="lo8" sc=";;" st="c" /></sd>
<table border><td>hello3</td></table>
<sd ac="1">hello5</sd>
<t />
<t attr="hello8" />
What we get back is this:
That is, anything that starts with < and ends with > is getting stripped or filtered and no longer appears in ColdFusion's FORM scope when it's posted.
Our server with BlueDragon JX does not suffer this problem.
If we bypass using the default FORM scope and use this code, the tag-like content appears:
// get the content string of the raw HTTP headers, will include all POST content as a long querystring
RAWREQUEST = GetHttpRequestData();
// split the string on "&" character, each variable should now be separate
// note that at this point duplicate variables will get clobbered
RAWFORMFIELDS = ListToArray(RAWREQUEST.content, "&");
// We're creating a structure like "FORM", but better
BetterFORM = StructNew();
// Go over each of the raw form fields, take the key
// and add it as a key, and decode the value into the value field
// and trap the whole thing if for some reason garbage gets in there
for(i=1;i LTE ArrayLen(RAWFORMFIELDS);i = i + 1) {
temp = ListToArray(RAWFORMFIELDS[i], "=");
try {
tempkey = temp[1];
tempval = URLDecode(temp[2]);
StructInsert(BetterFORM, tempkey, tempval);
} catch(Any e) {
tempThisError = "Malformed Data: " & RAWFORMFIELDS[i];
// Log the value of tempThisError here?
// WriteOutput(tempThisError);
<cfdump var="#BetterFORM#">
If we do this, and use the created BetterFORM variable, it's there, so it does not seem to be a problem with the requests being filtered at some other point in the stack. I was thinking maybe it was URLScan, but that appears not to be installed. Since BD.NET runs on .NET as the engine, perhaps there's some sanitization setting that is being used on all variables somehow?
Suggestions, ideas, etc are welcome on this issue.
I don't have a BD.NET instance handy to check, but Adobe ColdFusion has a setting in the cf administrator to strip "invalid tags". That's my best guess. Adobe CF replaces them with "invalidTag", my guess is that BD.Net just strips it silently.
It turned out to be very mundane.
We had a custom tag that did customized string replacements. On one server, it was modified to NOT replace all tags. On this server, we were using an older version that did. So the fault was not a difference between BlueDragon JX and BlueDragon.NET -- it was developer team error.

Flex3 / Air 2: NativeProcess doesn't accepts standard input data (Error #2044 & #3218)

I'm trying to open cmd.exe on a new process and pass some code to programatically eject a device; but when trying to do this all I get is:
"Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #3218: Error while writing data to NativeProcess.standardInput."
Here's my code:
private var NP:NativeProcess = new NativeProcess();
private function EjectDevice():void
var RunDLL:File = new File("C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe");
var NPI:NativeProcessStartupInfo = new NativeProcessStartupInfo();
NPI.executable = RunDLL;
NP.addEventListener(Event.STANDARD_OUTPUT_CLOSE, CatchOutput, false, 0, true);
NP.standardInput.writeUTFBytes("start C:\\Windows\\System32\\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll");
I also tried with writeUTF instead of writeUTFBytes, but I still get the error. Does anyone have an idea of what I'm doing wrong?.
Thanks for your time :)
Maybe cmd.exe doesn't handle standardInput like a normal process.
You could try passing what you want to execute as parameters to the cmd process, rather than writing to the standard input
I think
cmd.exe /C "start C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll"
is the format to pass something as a parameter to cmd to execute immediately.
This site has an example of passing process parameters using a string vector:
Try it without the last line "NP.closeInput();"
See also:
I agree with abudaan, you shouldn't need to closeInput().
Also, suggest you add a line break at the end of the writeUTFBytes() call, e.g.:
NP.standardInput.writeUTFBytes("start C:\\Windows\\System32\\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll **\n**");
Lastly, I recommend you listen to other events on the NativeProcess, I use a block of code something like this:
NP.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.STANDARD_OUTPUT_DATA, onStdOutData);
NP.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.STANDARD_ERROR_DATA, onStdErrData);
NP.addEventListener(Event.STANDARD_OUTPUT_CLOSE, onStdOutClose);
NP.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.STANDARD_INPUT_PROGRESS, onStdInputProgress);
NP.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.STANDARD_ERROR_IO_ERROR, onIOError);
NP.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.STANDARD_INPUT_IO_ERROR, onIOError);
NP.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.STANDARD_OUTPUT_IO_ERROR, onIOError);
with the normal event handler functions that at least trace what they receive.
Best of luck - I've just spent a few hours refining NativeProcess with cmd.exe - its fiddly. But I got there in the end and you will too.
