Can't find wordpress version or updates - wordpress

I'd like to figure out if i need to update my Wordpress, but I cannot figure out what version wordpress my website is running on, nor do I have any options to update Wordpress from my admin bar. If I go to the bottom of my website in the admin area, it says "powered by Wordpress" but then there is no version printed anywhere. Clicking the footer just takes me to the reader area of my wordpress account. Searching "updates" or "version" in the search doesn't reveal anything. I am at a loss how to update and protect my site.

When you are in WP Admin, under the Dashboard link on the left there is an Updates link which will shows updates available for WP Core, your plugins and your themes.
Also in the admin bar (on any front end page) there is a circle icon next with a a number next to it which will bring you to the same page


Add plugins option missing in wordpress

I have a WordPress site. In the plugins tab, the "Add New" plugin option is missing.
Even hovering over the plugin tab doesn't produce in drop-menu options.
I was suggested the issue could be the result of me not being provided with administrative rights, but I'm the only user and I do have administrative rights.
Any suggestions on how to fix this issue?
If you can't see your add new plugin button, the issue could be
Your theme prevents you from seeing it
You don't have the permissions to add new plugins.
You have a corrupted WordPress installation
A plugin is hiding the button (likely unintentionally)
If you are certain that your user has administrator rights (which you can check in under users in the left navigation bar) try to select a different theme and see if the button becomes available to you again.
Otherwise you might be looking at a complete reinstall of WordPress on your site.

Square on icon on Wordpress admin bar

I want to check status of my wordpress because I have see the error on admin bar in WordPress (see image) and I don’t know how solve it. At the moment I have see square on admin bar. I have a multi site WordPress.
Can I reinstall latest Wordpress with botton in admin? Update multi site? What do you think about? Thanks

appearance and plugin not available in wordpress admin panel

I have created online store in word press. I logged in to admin panel with my admin login and i have verified that login is having admin rights also. Now,I want to change banner image and some font color but I can't see plugin and appearance tab in sidebar.please help. screenshot of the admin panel
User admin
An issue that some users have mentioned is that when they have entered their WordPress admin panel that they have been unable to locate their plugins menu from within the dashboard. This should appear about half way down the menu on the left of the screen below appearance and should have an icon that looks a little like a domestic plug. However for multisite users you may have to login as network admin to view this tab.
If however this tab is still missing you may wish to try the following:
See if the following exists: (where you should
replace with the name of your site. If this does not
exist then it is missing from your theme and needs to be replaced or
you should swap your theme.
Also check in your FTP for a folder called wp-plugins where your plugins should reside, if this does not exist then you should create
If you do have a wp-plugins folder deactivate it by changing its name and then check your WordPress admin panel as your problem could
be caused by a faulty plugin.
Are you sure that you are the admin and you have all rights to access?
Try checking with default admin login while you installed the wordpress, it seems you don't have complete permissions.
In your attached screenshot notification showing "Wordpress update available. Please notify administrator" clearly showing that you are not having the complete admin rights

How to re-enable introductory onboarding wizard after reinstalling WooCommerce

I uninstalled my WooCommerce plugin and chose to delete all data. When installed it back I cannot see the Introductory Onboarding Wizard. I need it to create my shop and all the pages again. I suspect this is because some traces were left from the first installation. How can I re-enable it again?
In the WooCommerce -> System Status admin page, under the Tools tab, there's the Create default WooCommerce pages tool that
will install all the missing WooCommerce pages. Pages already defined and set up will not be replaced.
WooCommerce now has a Help tab just to the right of the Screen Options tab in the Wordpress (v4.8) admin panel. Click on the tab and you will discover the Setup Wizard as a selectable item ... among many other helpful goodies ... including a setup video
WooCommerce Setup Wizard
You can restart setup wizard going to It worked for me!
/wp-admin/?page=wc-setup worked perfectly for me too.
Just login into wordpress and edit this in URL bar. Voila, it works!

WordPress Blank Screen Issue

I'm running a WordPress website with a custom template that is showing me a blank screen when I have not viewed the site in a few days. I've cleared the browser cache and I've empited all cache using w3 total cache. Once I cleared the cache,I typed in the URL each time, and it loaded the website perfectly. I did not copy and paste the URL. The URL combinations are listed below;
I've also provided a list of plugins that are currently installed on the website.
all in one slideshow v1.3.1
ckeditor for wordpress v3.6.2.1
contact form 7 v2.2
contact form to db extension v2.2.4
duplicate post 2.0.2
easy picasa v1.1
events calendar pro 1.3.3
featured image widget v0.2
get the image v0.6.2
gravity forms v1.6.2
gravity forms + custom post types v3
gravity forms css ready class selector v1.0.1
latest news widget 1.0.1
mailchimp v1.2.4
members list v3.5.6
nextgen gallery v1.7.4
page restrict v2.03
picasa express x2 v1.5.3
really simple captcha
registration form widget v1.0
search everything v6.7
shortcode exec php v1.33
si captcha anti-spam v2.7.5
sidebar login v2.2.7
the excerpt re-loaded v0.3.2
w3 total cache
wordpress https v2.0.4
wp custom login logo v1.0
wp fade in text news v4.0
wpml cms nav v1.2.4
wpml multilingual cms v2.3.4
wpml string translation v1.2.2
wp user registration v2.4
Just wondering if there may be a plugin conflict or maybe a conflict between a plugin and wpml 2.3.4? I've got no issues disabling and re-enabling the plugins one by one, but if I cannot replicate the blank screen issue 100% of the time, disabling/enabling plugins will not be of any use.
I'm also running other websites on my server none of which are showing me this problem. The server I'm running is Ubuntu 10.04 with Apache and MySQL.
Any ideas on what might be causing this issue will be very much apppreciated.
by FTP - temporarly rename your plugin folder to something else (like plugin_new) AND your theme folder and css file (like mytheme.css.old) . that will revert to to the default theme and will disable all plugins . if you do not have default theme - install it.
If nothing terribly serious has happened (like some code hack) - It will give you access to the admin area to start troubleshooting.
Add this to your wp-config.php file:
Right after the following line:
/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
Then you can check on the log after the white screen appears, and know for sure what happened.
Thank you for all of your suggestions. I somehow managed to repeat the blank screen with no information, which then allowed me to slowly disable and enable the plugins. Found out it had to do with the updating of WPML CMS Nav, WPML String Translation and WMPL Multilingual CMS. Once I updated them, the site worked fine, without the blank screen with no code.
Just in case anyone ever runs into this problem with W3 Total Cache, I found a fix for the random blank-page issue: just turn off ALL of the "Debug Options" under General Settings.
That fixed it for me after spending countless hours searching for the issue. Good luck!
