we have built a blog in expression engine and have added a snippet of code which is
<script type="application/ld+json">{"#context":"http://schema.org","#type":"NewsArticle","mainEntityOfPage":{"#type":"WebPage","#id":"https://digitalmarketinginstitute.com/blog/what-does-an-seo-manager-do"},"headline":"What Does an SEO Manager Do?","image":{"#type":"ImageObject","url":"https://dmi-uploads.imgix.net/general/SEO_Blog.jpg?fit=crop&fm=jpg&h=1200&ixlib=php-1.1.0&q=60&w=1600&s=2afb9350b0e80e782baa4c94d3c447bb","width":800,"height":600},"author":{"#type":"Person","name":"carla#digitalmarketinginstitute.com"},"datePublished":"2019-01-11T11:01:00+00:00","dateModified":"2019-01-11T15:35:49+00:00","publisher":{"#type":"Organization","name":"Digital Marketing Institute","logo":{"#type":"ImageObject","url":"https://assets.digitalmarketinginstitute.com/assets/images/design/logo_redesign.png","width":32,"height":32}},"description":"Digital marketing is a requirement of any business or organization that wants to get noticed by today’s consumer. It offers a world of possibilities when it comes to career choices spanning a wide variety of skill sets. One of the most sought-after skills in digital marketing is the SEO expert."}</script> <span
data-ga-news-category="{categories limit='1'}{category_url_title}" style="display: none;">
How can I add this to GA as currently its not showing in the events area in GA.
You may use Google Analytics Content Groupings to track your content taxonomy. Most probably you'll need to modify your tracking code implicitly to pass these data to Analytics. Within GTM you may use 'Enable overriding settings' feature with Analytics tags to pass Content Grouping values.
I have never used Adwords or Analytics before...
I have Adwords and Analytics and I have one multilanguage site. I have 2 goals that you reach after posting certain forms. All forms and "thank you" pages are in all languages. Should I use one tracking code for all "thank you" pages or should I create one for every language? If I should create one for every language, how can I do this?
You should only create one tracking code for all pages
what you can do is track language for each page as a content group/custom dimension and send it to google analytics.
Here's how you can create custom dimensions and content groups
Hope this helps,
Cheers Analytics ML.
Lets say I have 100 customers that bought a website from me. In the footer of their websites I have the text "Website developed by:" followed by a link that points to my company website. In Google Analytics for my company website these referrals will show up with the customers URL as source, and "referral" as medium. I would like all of the referrals from my 100 customer websites to be grouped, so that i can view the total metrics together. I have tried using utm_source="Customer Website" on the referral links, but the utm_source overwrites the default source (that is the customer website URL) so that there is no way for me to separate the different websites.
How can I set up this in Google Analytics so that I can both view all of the referrals from customer websites together and separately?
You can use utm_campaign=Customer-Referral and then see all this data under one campaign on Google Analytics.
You can direct the traffic to the destination page but with a dummy query string parameter such as www.example.com?ref=client, and then see the traffic that is directed to this specific page on Google Analytics.
Based on the ref, you can inject a user-level custom dimension that will show you data of that specific group. What you should add is ga('set', 'dimension1', 'Client Referral');
Add it to your tracking code before ga('send', 'pageview'); You need to send this data only once, at the first page view. You can read more about it here: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/platform/customdimsmets
(note: I used dimension1 assuming that you don't have existing custom dimensions. If you already using slot no. 1, update it to another slot).
We are looking at implementing GA onto our site (we currently use WebTrends). On the website are lots of records that are placed within multiple subtopics - think of a news story that is tagged with Europe, Politics and Business.
We have 6 topics with about 70 subtopics spread across them.
What's the best way to track visits to these subtopics. So, for the example above we would need to count a view to that news story as a visit to Europe, a visit to Politics and a visit to Business.
Would we need a different event for each subtopic, that is then fired if the news story is in that subtopic, or can/should we do this with custom dimensions?
In webtrends we just have one tag that reports all subtopics separated by a semi-colon.
We are using Google Tag Manager, if that makes any difference.
It looks like your are looking for content grouping in Google Analytics. It does what the name says, it groups content pages into categories that you can view separately in your reports.
You can either assign a page to a content grouping via a piece of tracking code, or via the analytics interface (for example based on a pattern in the urls or page titles, or completly manually by entering urls).
I have a website where members can create their own page. Current I have a script that tracks how many views the member page was viewed. But I would like to display more information like unique visits, return visits etc.
Is there any analytic software that could let me do that?
I am guessing you want to display on each member page some analytics information.
You didn't specify what language you used to build the site.
Here's a PHP API class to query a Google Analytics account.
Also, check this and this for documentation about the API. You can retrieve analytics data / metrics in many ways that the default Analytics reports don't show.
Now you need to think of a way to differentiate between member pages in Analytics (use custom variables in your tracking code, maybe).
Hope this helps.
If you don't want to deal with getting in to the Google Analytics API, I suggest you check out some of the solutions on the Google Analytics Application Gallery. I for one work with embeddedanalytics. While we don't have it very well published on our site, we have done a number of CMS type implementations, allowing a single implementation to be used by many different users of the site. The differentiation could be based on page path or some specific custom variable. Visit us and contact us directly if you are interested.
(disclosure - I work with embeddedanalytics)
I have an online chair store which is using the open source e-commerce solution opencart.
I have set up Google Analytics for this website to track visitors, sales, referrals etc etc. Im sure most of you are more than aware of the power of GA.
I don't want to track the amount of sales the website generates, that is already set up. I want to track the amount of times people added an item to their shopping cart and then maybe (not essential) how many of them went on to buy and how many didn't.
I have scoured and posted on/in the opencart forums, but so far no luck as to finding an answer to this.
Is anybody aware of how to do this? Or if not, any links or resources which could help me on my way.
Check out this section of the Google Analytics docs on Custom Variables. They use this exact example, tracking when a user places an item in the cart. This will take care of the part about the amount of times people added an item to their cart.
You could also use Events, but Custom Variables are better suited when using the correct session-level scope (2 for us, and in the example provided).
To find out those that didn't buy, you should be able to create a report for that Custom Variable and see which ones did not convert a transaction. This will probably be a custom report in the new interface, but I think the old GA interface showed ecommerce stuff by default with the Custom Variables.
Hope this helps!