Is there a way to get total spend & total sales on campaign using Amazon Advertising API? - amazon-advertising-api

Using Amazon Advertising api for campaign report what I am getting is attributed sales or a cost for provided date, how to retrieve total spend and total sales for the campaign.


How to get total advertising costs filtered by a product in Sponsored Brands reports

I would like to ask help in my current project that performs API calls from Amazon Advertising API reports using scripts run by cron jobs.
The endpoint I need to call is the sponsored brands reports API, and the goal is to get the total advertising costs filtered by a product. Calling the API to get the total costs for all products is easy since all I need to do is to supply the date.But for total costs filtered by product, I don't see any helpful information on how to achieve it. For sponsored products and sponsored display Apis are really easy as well since I cna just pass the sku and asin in the metrics parameter.The product can then mapped from the asin and sku in the api call response.But in Sponsored Brands, it is not possible to pass the sku and asin in an api call.It doesn't also included in the api response.
Does any one has solution to this ?

google analytics with power bi extraction

I connected to google analytics api and have difference in numbers, but i connected from data studio and have the same numbers than google analytics. Metrics like users, new users, sessions etc.
This is one of the cases where sampling just kicks in without the user knowing.
Sampling occurs when fetching data from GA API, this is how Power BI connects to the API.
Sampling usually occurs when your timeframe is larger in size or would result in too many dimensions being called.
If you have acces to GA premium, you can have access to unsampled reports or else you can divide the timeframe in shorter timeframes.
So Power bi's connector for google analytics has a sampling issue and an API Calls limit.
Queries per day: 1,500,000 Queries per 100 seconds: 4,000
Might be better to connect Google analytics to a data warehouse such as Google BigQuery, which will help you get access to historical data that you won't be able to get with Power bi's connector. I'd suggest using a third-party connector.

What is the daily storage limit for Google Analytics?

I've found some old resources on that:
Why is (other) Showing Up in My Reports?
Google Analytics daily URL limit: does it affect URL-sequence goal tracking?
Merging Google Analytics with your Data Warehouse
I haven't been able to find any official documentation.
Is this limit still actual?
Especially for gtag.js
The daily limit that i have heard of is around 2 hits per day anything more than that and Google starts to drop hits. The official limits can be found in the documentation below.
Directly from the documentation Limits and quotas
These limits apply to the Web Property / Property / Tracking ID.
10 million hits per month per property
If you go over this limit, the Google Analytics team might contact you and ask you upgrade to Analytics 360 or implement client sampling to reduce the amount of data being sent to Google Analytics.
For monthly total Analytics 360 limits, please contact your account manager or service representative.
The gtag.js appears to be the same doc

Data loaded with measurement protocol doesn't reflect in some reports

We ran a website that is selling using partner websites. In order for us to see the sales data in Google Analytics and be able to create audience reflecting the buying users, we
record the Google Analytics user id and later on when we have the sales data we use Analytics Measurement Protocol to upload ecommerce data to Google Analytics and to shoot events that translates to Goal conversions. We also created audience in Google Adwords which is defined using the same Goal conversions. However, besides the ecommerce data itself which looks ok in Google Analytics, I'm unable to see the following:
Demographics data related to the conversions uploaded with Measurement Protocol. No numbers in this report related to sales.
Audience created is Google Adwords is very small, around 30, even though thousands of ecommerce and goal conversions data was uploaded.
Any idea?

Need help getting DFP and Publisher Revenue from Google Analytics Reporting API

My team recently linked our google analytics premium account with our double click for publishers account. Now when I go to the google analytics website, I can create a report and get the following metrics per page:
DFP Revenue
Publisher Revenue
DFP Backfill Revenue
AdX Revenue
The issue is that I want to consume this data via the reporting API. I see that I can use the metric "ga:adxRevenue" to get the AdX Revenue. My question is, how can I get the other 3 types of revenue from the reporting API? I experimented by trying "ga:dfpRevenue" but got the following error:
GOOGLE ANALYTICS FAIL: Error calling GET[id purposefully left out]&start-date=2016-06-03&end-date=2016-06-03&metrics=ga%3Apageviews%2Cga%3AuniquePageviews%2Cga%3Asessions%2Cga%3AadxRevenue%2Cga%3AdfpRevenue&dimensions=ga%3Adate%2Cga%3ApagePath&start-index=1&max-results=10000&sort=-ga%3Apageviews&filters=ga%3ApagePath%3D%7E%2Fnews%2F%7C%2Flists: (400) Unknown metric(s): ga:dfpRevenue
What metrics do I need to use to get this to work?
It looks like that metric is currently not supported.
See the dimensions and metric explorer for the complete list of supported dimensions and metrics.
Your application can always subscribe to the Metadata API to stay up to date with the latest dimensions and metrics.
