Google analytics visual counter - google-analytics

Is there a way to add a visual visitors counter to site, based on google analytics data? Something like photo added.

If you are looking to display the count of real-time users on the site, there is not a way as far as I'm aware. If you want count of historical data, you can create report in Google Data Studio that can be embedded on your site.


View Google Analytics Data of Multiple Sites?

On the Google Analytics account I use, we collect analytics for multiple websites. We can see users and sessions for each website, that's great.
So far, every feature of Analytics I've come across only allows me to view information from just one site at a time, but now I'd like to see multiple sites.
What we are looking for, is a way to simultaneously view the number of users and sessions of all the websites under our account. I have google searched the problem, I've messed with every single setting I can think of. No progress.
How can we do this?
You could use Data Studio for this. You can either have separate tables on one page for all of the sites you want to report, or to make it more seamless, make a data blend to get stats from multiple sites with multiple GA accounts into one table
It is impossible to create a single view for different trackers in GA.
But you can download data from different trackers to one scheduled report in Google Spreadsheets using Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on
Or create one new tracker and implement on all your websites.
You need to set up cross-domain measurement.
Cross-domain measurement makes it possible for Analytics to see sessions on two related sites as a single session. This is sometimes called site linking.

Get Active Users vs Total Users till Google Analytics is set up

I need to get the total number of users that've visited my website vs users visited only last week.
The way you've worded the question sounds like you need to know it before Google Analytics is set up? If it is already set up, there's an easy way to compare in Analytics if you go Audience > Overview and change the date in the right corner.
image showing the date range tool in Google Analytics
If it's before you're setting up Google Analytics, unless your website's CMS has a reporting section there's no way to check.

is there a way to see how many pages is on my website that's created each month on Google Analytics?

I have a pretty big website, and I'm wondering if google analytics api allows me to look at how many pages were made per month. Or rather, a list of sites that were made with a date tag, that way I can transform it into a count.
No, GA will only provide you with information based on visits, if pages were created and no one visits them, then that page will be missing. Plus you're looking at this MoM, if all of your pages don't get visited during a month, then they will be missing as well. Your best bet is to use a site crawler to index all of your pages.
If you really want to capture this in GA, then consider triggering a GA event when pages are created, this is assuming the creation process is via a web interface (wordpress for example).

Google Analytics doesn't record adwords conversion

I use an I-Frame where there are 3 steps to complete an order. On the last step the conversion is recorded. The adword will link to the page which includes the I-Frame, from there the users has to go through the 3 steps in the I-Frame.
In the I-Frame the following functions are used: Multiple GA accounts (main website and I-Frame website), Google Enhanced E-Commerce, Adwords conversion on last page.
As you can see on the images below the conversions of Adwords doesn't show up in Google Analytics, in Google Adwords is everything OK.
Does anyone know where I have to look for to get the conversions of Adwords in Google Analytics?
Image 1:
Image 2:
What type of goal do you have this setup as in Analytics?
You can use the drop down filter to display different goals in your table view as shown here
You can also use the Explorer tabs above the chart to have your table display only goal 1, goal 2, or ecommerce related data.
Does that help?
It seems that you do not properly share the Google Analytics client ID between your main site and the iFrame (which I suppose is being served from a different host / domain). As a result of this, the conversions within the iFrame are being attributed to a referral coming from your main web site instead of Paid Search.
In order to provide the correct client ID to Google Analytics inside your iFrame, you need to pass it from the main web site. Have a look at the documentation for an idea on how to do this.
One of the basics is that conversions measured by adWords script is going to calculate the conversions with its own attribution model, which is going to be different from conversions being measured by analytics (defaut or custom model):
You can measure data on GA by setting up either a google analytics conversion or a goal tag on the last page.
Details here:

Google Analytics counter?

I have read a lot of places that you can count using Google Analytics. I already use it on my site to track visitors.
How would I track how many people have clicked a spesific button and show the number of times it has been clicked on another page?
You want to implement Event Tracking. As far as displaying the results on another page, Google doesn't support showing charts/graphics outside of the Google Analytics site. But you could find 3rd party app developers on the Apps Gallery which do this. I for one have created EmbeddedAnalytics for precisely this purpose. And we also support dimension filtering so you could create a chart to show your specific action clicks.
You can learn about the Google Analytics API at and even try it out interactively using
If you use Drupal you can easily install module Google Analytics Counter that will automatically fetch and display pageviews collected by Google Analytics. Other CMS certainly have similar plugins.
