How to get the invitation for Provisioning API??
Per this article its only available by inviation:
What part of
Caution: The Provisioning API is currently available by invitation
do you not understand?
Using linkedin api, can i search profiles for "open to work" then create targeted ads to those profiles?
I have tried consulting linkedin but they do not have a way to target those "open to work"
No, right now, it is not allowed by Linkedin. Right now, LinkedIn gives only the scope of r_liteprofile and r_emailaddress to Retrieve authenticated member's name, headline, photo, and member's primary email address.
To get the relevant candidate for the job, you may need to check open_to_work status, skills, projects, etc, for that you need the permission of r_fullprofile,
LinkedIn API has restricted such information as per their documentation:
As per their documentation, to access the information of skills, address, etc, your app needs to request r_fullprofile. But they have closed it now and no alternate is given. The more detail about the current permissions from LinkedIn can be seen here:
Right now there are currently in development mode. They are working on developing their APIs. What and when they will release such information is not available to document right now.
I'm using the VSC Teams Toolkit. But when I sign in to my Azure account to provision my files, it says "No subscriptions discovered" as shown below:
Which subscription should I get to proceed with provisioning the files?
As the information explained, your logged-in Azure account doesn't seem to have associated Azure subscription.
You can login to your Azure portal, and under subscriptions, please check whether you have accessible subscription.
I had the same issue. You really need to go to -> Subscriptions and have at least 1 subscription listed in the table below.
If no subscription is available, create new one - Pay as you go.
Then, in VS Code - sign out, sign in and subscription will be available
If vscode is complaining about not have an active subscription in the Teams Toolkit extension, for one make sure the tenant id is added to vsocde. See here enter link description here and here enter link description here
As per the official documentation it lies inside chat room option. But its not available there.
Enable Webhook, the option can only be visible if you have a google workspace account. It's not available on the personnel's Gmail account.
The Configure webhook option is indeed available only for Workspace users so you will have to use a Workspace account in order to set it up.
As for the documentation, I have taken the opportunity to file this report in order to improve the documentation regarding this.
I suggest you star it as all the updates will be posted there.
We are a platform that facilitates companies to hire analytics talent on demand. We only allow users to login to our platform with their Linkedin IDs so that we can validate their profile details and score them. Currently, the Linkedin API doesnot give us even the Linkedin-id of the user to help us manually check the profile. How can we correct this?
Ask for the r_liteprofile and r_emailaddress scopes as part of the OAuth flow. Then make GET calls to and*(handle~))
to gather this information. See the documentation for more details.
However, please read LinkedIn's API Terms of Use to ensure your application is an acceptable use case. Also, the profile data you can receive is quite limits, so it may not give you the fields you want.
We're using Sign in with LinkedIn, which is deprecating the r_basicprofile scope that offered the profile URL. I don't see a way to get this information using the new r_liteprofile scope. Was that intentionally left out? It seems odd that LinkedIn wouldn't want to drive people back to their own site.
Deadlock :) or just changes of LinkedIn policies.
According this tiny article Public Profile Url you have to use vanityName which is available from r_basicprofile which is not going to be deprecated but available only for Enterprise LinkedIn users :(
Quoting from Self-Serve v1 to v2 API Migration Frequently Asked Questions:
Looking to maintain access to the Basic Profile fields? Learn more
about LinkedIn Developer Enterprise products.