How can I reverse a vector in PARI/gp - pari-gp

I need to reverse a vector in PARI/gp. I couldn't find a built-in function so I tried this:
That's very slow - it took nearly four seconds. So then I tried this:
This was much quicker (about 100 milliseconds) even though it was reversing a vector that was 100 times longer. It's a horrible hack, though. Is there a "proper" way to reverse vectors in PARI/gp that's fast?

It turns out that there is an inbuilt function: Vecrev() and Polrev() do the same thing as Vec and Pol, but in reverse. So you can reverse an arbitrary vector with something like:


Is there a Rust function which counts frequencies in a Vec?

I want to count the frequencies of all elements in a given Vec, e.g. something like
should return the following Vec:
[(1,4), (2,1), (3,1), (4,2), (5,1)]
(the order does not matter). While I know how I could implement such a function, it seems to me like there should already be an existing implementation in some crate. After some googling, I only found a crate named frequency, but didn't find any example in the documentation.
So, my question is: is there a crate that can achieve this task and, if so, how can I use it?
Edit: If you as well know a function which goes in the other direction, I would also be interested in that :)
Itertools offers counts, but you'd have to convert the result (a HashMap) into a Vec yourself.
Alternatively, sort the vector (costs O(n log n), but may - in practice - be faster than a HashMap-based approach) and use dedup_with_count on the sorted vector.
It isn't really needed because it is one-liner anyway:
let frequencies = v
.fold(HashMap::new(), |mut map, val|{
There are different requirements for different tasks so there is no need to make some standard method for this.

Struggling with building an intuition for recursion

Though I have studied and able am able to understand some programs in recursion, I am still not able to intuitively obtain a solution using recursion as I do easily using Iteration. Is there any course or track available in order to build an intuition for recursion? How can one master the concept of recursion?
if you want to gain a thorough understanding of how recursion works, I highly recommend that you start with understanding mathematical induction, as the two are very closely related, if not arguably identical.
Recursion is a way of breaking down seemingly complicated problems into smaller bits. Consider the trivial example of the factorial function.
def factorial(n):
if n < 2:
return 1
return n * factorial(n - 1)
To calculate factorial(100), for example, all you need is to calculate factorial(99) and multiply 100. This follows from the familiar definition of the factorial.
Here are some tips for coming up with a recursive solution:
Assume you know the result returned by the immediately preceding recursive call (e.g. in calculating factorial(100), assume you already know the value of factorial(99). How do you go from there?)
Consider the base case (i.e. when should the recursion come to a halt?)
The first bullet point might seem rather abstract, but all it means is this: a large portion of the work has already been done. How do you go from there to complete the task? In the case of the factorial, factorial(99) constituted this large portion of work. In many cases, you will find that identifying this portion of work simply amounts to examining the argument to the function (e.g. n in factorial), and assuming that you already have the answer to func(n - 1).
Here's another example for concreteness. Let's say we want to reverse a string without using in-built functions. In using recursion, we might assume that string[:-1], or the substring until the very last character, has already been reversed. Then, all that is needed is to put the last remaining character in the front. Using this inspiration, we might come up with the following recursive solution:
def my_reverse(string):
if not string: # base case: empty string
return string # return empty string, nothing to reverse
return string[-1] + my_reverse(string[:-1])
With all of this said, recursion is built on mathematical induction, and these two are inseparable ideas. In fact, one can easily prove that recursive algorithms work using induction. I highly recommend that you checkout this lecture.

affinity propagation clustering on a large sparse matrix

I am trying R package apcluster on a set of objects that I want to cluster, but I'm running into performance/memory problems, and I suspect I'm not doing it right. I'd like to hear your opinion, please.
In short: I have a set of about 13000 objects. Each object is associated with a set of 2 to 5 'features'. The similarity (by which I want to cluster, eventually) between any two objects i and j is equal to the number of features they have in common divided by the total number of distinct features they 'span'. E.g. if i = {a,b,c} and j = {c,d}, then sim[i,j] = 1/4 = 0.25, because they have only 1 feature in common ({c}) and in total they describe 4 distinct features ({a,b,c,d}).
Calculating my NxN similarity matrix is not a problem in theory: it can be done using set operations if each object's features are stored as a list; or features can be pivoted to a matrix of 1's and 0's, where each column is a feature, and then R's function dist with method="binary" does the trick.
In practice however, the first problem is that such similarity calculations are extremely slow. For 13 K objects, there are about 84.5 M similarities to calculate, but this doesn't sound so bad for a modern computer. I don't understand why it should take a few hours to do that. And the set operation version, that should be quicker as far as I can tell, is actually much slower than dist. [Another package called fingerprint is supposed to deal with such cases more efficiently, but so far I haven't been able to make it work, it gives a lot of errors when trying to make what they call 'featvec' objects].
The other thing to consider is that the 2-5 features per object are not very repetitive. There may be a group of 100 or so objects with at least one feature in common between them, but then none of the other 12.9 K objects has any feature in common with these 100 objects. The consequence is that the pivoted feature matrix is very sparse (if we consider 0's as empty). There are about 4000 columns in the pivoted matrix, and each row has at most 5 1's. I wonder if this is negatively impacting the performance of dist, in that it has to multiply through a lot of 0's that could instead be ignored.
Does it seem normal to you that it should take a few hours to apply dist to a matrix like the one I described? Can you suggest a different way to calculate the similarity that takes advantage of the sparseness of the matrix?
Anyway, I managed to get the output from dist, which however had class 'dist', and was a distance matrix, not a similarity one, so I had to use 1 - as.matrix(distance_matrix) to be able to make the similarity matrix apcluster needs as input.
That's when I got the first 'memory' problem. R said the vector could not be allocated due to its size. I tried the usual tricks, but in the end I could not get more than 4 GB, and my matrices are (apparently) bigger.
I overcame this by assigning each time new matrices to their old 'self'.
And then when I submitted this painstakingly put together similarity matrix to apcluster, again the vector size error popped up, as if the first thing apcluster did was create some other large object from what I had fed it.
I had a look at as.Sparse... in apcluster, but it does not seem to help a lot, considering that you have to calculate the full matrix first anyway.
In the end the only thing that worked a little bit was 'leveraged affinity propagation' by apclusterL, which however is an approximation.
Does anybody know if and how I could do this better? E.g. is it wise to pivot the data first, or should I stick to list and set operations? Or, can the fact that the initial matrix is sparse be used to compute directly a sparse similarity matrix, rather than compute it fully and reduce it to sparse later?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
BTW, yes, I saw this thread: Cluster Analysis in R on large sparse matrix ; which does not seem to have been answered conclusively.
The R interpreter is really slow.
So you should use R mostly to "drive" your program, but implement all the computations heavy stuff in C or FORTRAN.
You didn't show the code you are using, but I guess it involves nested for loops? Try to rewrite it without any for loops in R, or rewrite it in C.
But no matter what, AP clustering will always remain very slow. It involves many passes over O(n²) matrixes, i.e. it scales very badly.

Trying to simplify expression with factorials

First off, apologies if there is a better way to format math equations, I could not find anything, but alas, the expressions are pretty short.
As part of an assigned problem I have to produce some code in C that will evaluate x^n/n! for an arbitrary x, and n = { 1-10 , 50, 100}
I can always brute force it with a large number library, but I am wondering if someone with better math skills then mine can suggest a better algorithm than something with a O(n!)...
I understand that I can split the numerator to x^(n/2)x^(n/2) for even values of n, and xx^(n-1/2)*x^(n-1/2) for odd values of n. And that I can further change that into a logarithm base x of n/2.
But I am stuck for multiple reasons:
1 - I do not think that computationally any of these changes actually make a lot of difference since they are not really helping me reduce the large number multiplications I have to perform, or their overall number.
2 - Even as I think of n! as 1*2*3*...*(n-1)*n, I still cannot rationalize a good way to simplify the overall equation.
3 - I have looked at Karatsuba's algorithm for multiplications, and although it is a possibility, it seems a bit complex for an intro to programming problem.
So I am wondering if you guys can think of any middle ground. I prefer explanations to straight answers if you have the time :)
My advice is to compute all the terms of the summation (put them in an array), and then sum them up in reverse order (i.e., smallest to largest) -- that reduces rounding error a little bit.
Note that you can compute the k-th term from the preceding one by multiplying by x/k -- you do not need to ever compute x^n or n! directly (this is important).

How can you efficiently check values of large vectors in R?

One thing I want to do all the time in my R code is to test whether certain conditions hold for a vector, such as whether it contains any or all values equal to some specified value. The Rish way to do this is to create a boolean vector and use any or all, for example:
all(my_big_vector == my_big_vector[[1]])
It seems really inefficient to me to allocate a big vector and fill it with values, just to throw it away (especially if any() or all() call can be short-circuited after testing only a couple of the values. Is there a better way to do this, or should I just hand in my desire to write code that is both efficient and succinct when working in R?
"Cheap, fast, reliable: pick any two" is a dry way of saying that you sometimes need to order your priorities when building or designing systems.
It is rather similar here: the cost of the concise expression is the fact that memory gets allocated behind the scenes. If that really is a problem, then you can always write a (compiled ?) routines to runs (quickly) along the vectors and uses only pair of values at a time.
You can trade off memory usage versus performance versus expressiveness, but is difficult to hit all three at the same time.
which(my_big_vector == 5)
which(my_big_vector < 3)
And if you want to count them...
I think it is not a good idea -- R is a very high-level language, so what you should do is to follow standards. This way R developers know what to optimize. You should also remember that while R is functional and lazy language, it is even possible that statement like
can be recognized and executed as something like
