Firebase analytics to Google analtyics (GTM) Events and Users counts - google-analytics

I've few questions around Firebase Analytics and Google Analtytics.
I've used GTM containers to pass custom events from firebase to google analytics - it works fine. However,
- number of events that I see in Firebase console is different than Google analytics. Would you know why?
- Similarly, number of users in firebase console is different than google analytics - would you know why?
Thanks .

I have implemented Firebase and GTM as well and the event counts and number of users for the last 7 days were not exact, but quite similar (off by 50 out of 7500 for users).
Some screenshots of the numbers would help and also screenshots of GTM tag setup.


GA4 user data not available as column in Google Ads

I'm using Google Analytics to add data to the corresponding and connected Google Ads campaign, visible in the Googla Ads backend.
Connecting Analytics UA with Google Ads worked fine, but the user data delivered by GA4 does not appear in Google Ads.
I connected the new GA4 account with the matching Google Ads account.
The data, that should appear as columns in the Ads campaign data, can be found in the settings for the columns. Go to "Campaigns", then "Columns" - Modify columns - Google Analytics.
Here should appear "% Engaged sessions (GA4)", "Events/session (GA4)", "Avg. session duration (seconds) (GA4)".
In some cases it does, but mostly not. (2 out of 6 it works)
I tried to find differences or similarities to get to the bottom of the problem. Although some of the installations are using GTM and some are not the ones with the problem do not correlate to the one with or without GTM.
Settings and connection in Google Ads and GA4 should be similar as far as I can see. GA4 accounts are listed under the "tools and settings" - "setup" - "linked accounts" in Google Ads.
In "Google Analytics (GA4) & Firebase" - "Manage & Link" I can see a difference in the columns. The accounts with the correct data have the entry "Linked: App and web metrics activated" in Status and an extra column "Apps and web metrics", where it says "Deactivate".
I had the same problem.
I am fairly sure what the solution is now.
Looking at this post - GA4 data not available in Google Ads
I didn't enable Google Signals, but did everything under 'user data collection'.
I waited 24 hours.
It didn't work.
I waited 48 hours.
It did work!
It seems like Google fixed the problem. Today I could activate the "App and web metrics" in all Google Ads with connected GA4 via the Linked Accounts - Google Analytics (GA4) & Firebase settings.

Flutter App - Google Analytics 4 conversions reported via Firebase are missing in Google Ads

We have a new ecommerce application built on Flutter
We use Firebase for tracking and it seems to work fine. We see all ecommerce events and we built an audience for Google Ads campaign and the events are attributed to this audience.
However, when we go to conversions section to Google Ads we see a very small number of events coming from Google Ads.
Talking to Google Ads support, they say that our events are unattributed.
Have you had this issue before? What would you recommend to fix this?
Thank you for your help?
We checked all setups on Google Ads / Firebase / Google Analytics and we would expect to see conversions showing up on Google Ads

Firebase Limitation overcome in GA

In Firebase, It consists of several ​events ​which are sent along with additional ​key parameters​, some of those events contain around 30 key parameters and even more.
For Google Analytics this is not an issue since an event can be set up to be sent with 200 custom dimensions, nevertheless we are now required and forced by Google to use ​Firebase for apps, Firebase has a limitation of 25 parameters per event.
How do we proceed in case we only care about Google Analytics data.
Based on the solution of the above, what would happen in Firebase events?
Is there a way to have the events sent to Google analytics as well as Firebase ​without
causing any changes in Google Analytics? ​If so, how!?
Some of the events are reaching Firebase but not Google Analytics,
what could possibly be the reason, how should someone start an investigation?

View Google analytics for firebase data in Google Analytics app

Just curious if its possible, since Google analytics and Google analytics for firebase seems to be two different things. It would be convenient to see analytics for all my projects at the same place.
This is not possible at the moment, however you can see data collected by all the Firebase apps present in a project in a single dashboard.
Firebase data can flow into Google Analytics via Google Tag Manager but vice versa is not possible.

Link Firebase Analytics with DoubleClick (DFP)

We want to link firebase analytics with doubleclick for publishers. We had AdMob before and could use the ARPU (Average Revenue per User) statistics.
We could use the ecommerce_purchase and in_app_purchase feature inside the app for "putting" data to firebase analytics in order to see the ARPU. But we don't know the exact revenue a DFP ad brings within the code of the app.
Has someone tried to link them together or figured out how to retrieve the necessary values from DFP and how to use them in the code in order to set them properly for firebase analytics?
