Link Firebase Analytics with DoubleClick (DFP) - firebase

We want to link firebase analytics with doubleclick for publishers. We had AdMob before and could use the ARPU (Average Revenue per User) statistics.
We could use the ecommerce_purchase and in_app_purchase feature inside the app for "putting" data to firebase analytics in order to see the ARPU. But we don't know the exact revenue a DFP ad brings within the code of the app.
Has someone tried to link them together or figured out how to retrieve the necessary values from DFP and how to use them in the code in order to set them properly for firebase analytics?


View Google analytics for firebase data in Google Analytics app

Just curious if its possible, since Google analytics and Google analytics for firebase seems to be two different things. It would be convenient to see analytics for all my projects at the same place.
This is not possible at the moment, however you can see data collected by all the Firebase apps present in a project in a single dashboard.
Firebase data can flow into Google Analytics via Google Tag Manager but vice versa is not possible.

Firebase analytics to Google analtyics (GTM) Events and Users counts

I've few questions around Firebase Analytics and Google Analtytics.
I've used GTM containers to pass custom events from firebase to google analytics - it works fine. However,
- number of events that I see in Firebase console is different than Google analytics. Would you know why?
- Similarly, number of users in firebase console is different than google analytics - would you know why?
Thanks .
I have implemented Firebase and GTM as well and the event counts and number of users for the last 7 days were not exact, but quite similar (off by 50 out of 7500 for users).
Some screenshots of the numbers would help and also screenshots of GTM tag setup.

Does anyone know about Firebase attribution mechanism? And attribution window length?

Does anyone know about Firebase attribution windows? Are they customizable? What is the time period of attribution window (7, 10 days)? I have looked everywhere but can not find information. As well as for attribution waterfall. Any insights on that?
Firebase is a Google product and is closely tied with Google Ad Networks (AdWords and AbMob). Once Firebase is linked with AdWords, an advertiser can set a codeless Ad Campaign and track it in the Firebase Console. Similar is with the AdMob integration. The duration of campaign can be customized in the AdWords Console dashboard.
If you want to start an app campaign with a third party Ad Network, you can do so and add the tracking URL generated in the Firebase Console in the campaign set up of the preferred network. The conversions will be reported in the Firebase Console --> Analytics --> Attribution --> Conversion Events table to be further filtered as Source, Medium and Campaign. The data can also be further obtained for date range.
Take a look at this blogpost for more details on this topic.

How can I see analytics from specific ad network on Firebase?

For example, if I am running Facebook ads, can I see the analytics (installs, uninstalls, revenue, ...) from those ads?
You can see analytics from specific ad networks by marking these events that you care about (like first_open or in_app_purchase) as Conversion Events in Firebase.
From the Firebase console, select Analytics -> Attribution, then turn on the events you want to track.
After you do that, go into the Network Settings part of the page and add whatever ad networks you want to start tracking. Right now, Firebase has support for several dozen networks, but I'm afraid Facebook is not currently among them, so you won't be able to get Facebook attribution analytics within Firebase.
You can find out more information about all of this from the help center documentation. Good luck!

How do I set up "userid" equivalent view from Google Analytics in Firebase Analytics?

I am trying to use firebase analytics in my iOS app. I have been using Google analytics (GA) before. in GA, just to make sure that I get true user count (i.e. a user who had the app, uninstalls the app and then reinstalls the app, should still be treated as only 1 user), I was using userid view in GA which works well for me.
Per How does Firebase Analytics define a "user" (for purposes of Audience)?, it seems firebase doesn't have such mechanism. So how do I capture this stats in firebase analytics? I could have updated the same question but I still don't have comment access in stack overflow yet.
You can use FirebaseAnalytics.setUserId to set your user IDs. You can then link the account to BigQuery and count distinct users using BigQuery. BigQuery has free tier that should be sufficient for most app.
