Install wordpress plugin in Google Cloud Platform - wordpress

I have a site with wordpress in Google Cloud Platform, But I don't know, how I can to install a wordpress plugin if I can use FTP. Which are the credentials or others ways to do.


Wordpress on Google cloud platform

I activated wordfence security on wordpress installation on Google cloud platform and now the site is showing server error.
Usually i use file manager to fix it,but cant find a way to do that on Google cloud platform.
Any idea how to solve this issue?

Is there any way to save the plugins settings in WordPress.

First of all I'm new to WordPress. I'm using some plugins on my wordpress site (ex: Google map plugin is configured with my google map api). I would like to save the plugin's setting and download it for future usage. In case if the wordpress installation has been re-installed, then i have to use the google map plugin(which is already configured with api) without configuring it again. Please advise.

Where does google cloud platform install wordpress when using template?

I have a google cloud compute engine instance with wordpress installed from their template. Where exactly do they install wordpress?
Google Cloud Launcher installs Wordpress within var/www/html you can access this by SSH'ing onto your server.

How to upload themes to wordpress hosted on heroku

Google recently pulled the plug from Cloud SQL free quota and i am now looking for options other that Amazon EC2 as i don't have a credit yet.
I followed the project and i was able to
to get wordpress hosted on heroku for free
The next thing that is bugging me is the ability to add new themes from sites like
As heroku doesn't support file I/O i was wondering how to commit and push a theme enabled wordpress instance to my heroku repo.
Any help is this regard would be appreciated.

Wordpress Connect with facebook and other social media

I am running My Wordpress Powered Website on a free hosted platform and the provider blocked PHP curl extension. I want to let visitors login with facebook and other social platforms. I tried with some wordpress plugins (e.g: nextend facebook connect, social connect etc.) But, those plugins requires curl extension to work. Is there any alternatives to activate facebook, twitter connect in my wordpress website for login?
Any help or suggestion will be highly appreciated.
I found this, but it might be outdated, you can check if it works for you
