WordPress - Multiple Authors to a custom post - wordpress

I'm using the plugin WP Job Manager in WordPress where users can post job listings. In larger companies, several users within the company want to be able to see job listing posted from their company and thereby see the applications received. In the database, the user who posts the post will have their id in "post_author" column.
My questions is how is it possible to attach multiple users to a post manually? My first through was to use like an array of user id's in "post_author" this won't work I see. I've used co-author plugins without success.
Thanks in advance!


Multisite blog post creation in Kentico CMS

I need some guidance on how to achieve the following functionality on the Kentico Xperience 13.
The goal is to be able to create a blog post (article page) and have a dropdown to select the category of the post and more importantly to select the sites that this blog post will go into.
For example: I manage content on 20 sites via an admin portal and I want to post a blog post to 10 of the sites, I currently will have to go into the admin portion of each site and perform the same operation for each, it would be helpful to do it once and select multiple sites on the same page (via dropdown check-box widget for example) and publish in one go.
Any guidance on how to accomplish this is much appreciated!
Your blog post (article page) page type could have a multiple select dropdown/checkbox list of sites (if that is how you'd want to specify the sites to duplicate to). Then when the page is saved/inserted, you could have a global event set up which duplicates the blog post into the given sites.
Or, instead of having a global event/site selection field combination, you could make a custom module which is dedicated to duplicating pages to other sites. Maybe the module could allow you to select multiple pages you want to duplicate, and the sites you want to duplicate to.

How to pass two sets of posts to wordpress template

Our website currently has functionality that allows us to choose content for a newsletter and it generates two RSS feeds based on the selected data - one for articles chosen to appear in the newsletter and another for products that were chosen to appear in the newsletter. We then use those two RSS feeds to assemble our newsletter in the tools at our email service provider.
Now we're moving to a new email service provider that doesn't offer this RSS functionality, so we need to change the way wordpress renders it so that there is one template that combines both the products and article data into one formatted newsletter. And being a wordpress newbie, I'm having trouble understanding how I can pass two sets of posts to the template for rendering.
The way it currently works with the RSS feeds, is there is a switch in the query to pull the content to change the query depending on whether the feed being viewed is the products feed or the articles feed. This querying is altered via the "pre_get_posts" filter.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions of how these two sets of data can be combined into one template. Thank you for your help.
Unless anyone has a better solution, I think the way I'm going to approach this is to modify my "pre_get_posts" action to do two queries - first for articles and next for products - and then create a new query using post__in and orderby=>'post__in' which should preserve the order in which they were added to the query.
This way, I'll know to treat the first X posts as articles and the remainder as products.
This article was helpful in finding the solution of orderby=>'post__in' : http://www.tamaraolsondesigns.com/tips-and-tricks/how/

Blog post not showing in specific categories - BeTheme

I have categorized every blogpost into specific category on my blog, yet whenever I try to access a particular category page, I am not able to see posts specific to it.
I am having the following 6 categories:
Health and Lifestyle
Now, let us assume I try to open Relationships category, so my URL will be something like: An example of my URL while opening a particular category page
In here, I want only the posts which belong to 'Relationships' to get visible to my users, however it is not happening.
What the users see is - a complete list of blog posts
Any way to resolve this issue? Is there any way wherein I can simply call blog posts as per the category chosen?
Looking forward to some assistance on this issue.

User Blog difficulty Wordpress

I have have a client that wants to create a Wordpress site with the following features.
Private Messaging
User profile
Friend Groups
The ability for a user to create one or many "journals" which are essentially a blog, which only their friends can see.
The last item is the one that I am puzzling over. It seems that it might be best to create a multisite where users can create their own blogs. But I'm not sure how I would manage who can see the blogs, or how I would display the blogs on the user's profile page.
Does anyone know any projects similar to this or have any ideas about where to start with a project like this?
Update for anyone who sees this.
Buddypress solves first three problems more or less out of the box.
I decided to customize the groups feature a bit to fit the bill for a user created journal. The user can create a group (groups are renamed 'journals' by means of the translation file for BP) and he is the only one allowed to post to it. I have updated some of the group meta fields so the user can add a bit more information about his journal, as well.

Building a "lecture notes" website with wordpress

I wish to build a "lecture notes" website using wordpress. And would love for any advice on what plugins to use, other considerations to have or website that perform a similar task with WP.
The website should have a form that will allow users to upload their lecture files. The results should be a new "post". When submitting the form, the users should be able to tag their subject matter so to allow others to search it.
I would search for a "Members" type plugin, that lets you really fine-tune the roles and capabilities of each user type. Then you can let your users sign up as "contributor" or other lower level, and then use the Posts as your notes pages. Each post would have the ability to upload a file (not sure what formats are accepted, you might need a doc/pdf type plugin for that). You could also narrow it down by pre-specifying categories. Then you could use the comments as a discussion forum for each "lecture". Depending on the depth of customization you wanted, this could be fairly easy, or extremely complicated. ;)
If the WordPress site is on wordpress.com, then you can set the site so that you can publish via email. You might create a separate category for each person that is going to post to the site. There are "shortcodes" (see WordPress Support page "post-by-email" below for a list) which can be added to each email that will direct that post to one or more categories [one category might distinguish the poster, while other categories might group postings by topics, etc.]. Another shortcode can make the posting a "draft" or "private", while I think the default is to make the posting live immediately. *If you post by email, then all posters do not have to have Admin access to the site, they just have to have the unique WP site email posting address. *If you want to try the "Audio Post" feature (call from any phone and enter unique WP site key code), I don't think there is a way for the caller to direct the audio posts to a category via the call. An admin would have to add the category to any audio posts later. **All WP site "categories" automatically have an RSS feed created for them, so each of your posters would have their own chronological list of postings.
