ASP.NET Website Madam routes css requests to wrong authentication module -

I have an ASP .NET website which uses Forms authentication to secure certain parts of the site. The site has a module that uses custom Basic authentication.
I use Madam to route specified request.url to Basic Authentication handler.
My Web.config specifies which requests go to basic authentication.
<discriminators all="true">
type="Madam.RegexDiscriminator" />
As a result requests to ‘/RouteMeToBasicAuthentication’ are routed correctly to basic authentication.
I can log into my application using forms authentication.
The problem is that all .js and .css requests are routed to my Basic authentication module. These requested are originated from Forms authenticated .aspx pages. As a result all .js and .css requests are rejected as unauthorized
1. Request URL: http://myApplication/Scripts/jquery-ui.min.js
2. Request Method: GET
3. Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
I do not want .js and .css requests forwarded to the basic authentication module. How to do this? Why Madam routes these requests to the Basic Authentication?
Without Madam IIS assumes that resources such as .js, .jpg, etc, are all static resources, and thus doesn't need to pass them through the ASP.NET engine. I do not also want .js request to go to the ASP.NET engine since it has negative effect on the application performance.
A dirty workaround would be that I white list my css and js folders in the custom basic authentication module. I do not want to do that. I would like to have the problem fixed in the right place. How to do that?


How to block access to Web API , except from the ASP.NET Web Application

I have a website in IIS say
Now i also have a API as virtual application within
I want to restrict all direct access to the API , except from the website.(browsers, postman, fiddler , etc)
Within the API, I tried to detect ip from which the request was made
Although the above may help detecting client ip , it may do little to help in preventing outside website request to the API
How can I accomplish this?
Thanks for any pointers.
Does the web site require logons, and did you implement security? Any web service call (to a static method in a existing aspx page, or even a call to a asmx page? if that page is placed in a folder that has security (in web config, as normally dropped in each folder to secure by security groups (roles)), then those web service calls from the browser simple will not work unless the user is logged into the site correctly.
For any web calls that you don't need or want security, place those aspx/asmx pages in such folders without IIS security applied, and no logon will be required to use such pages.
If you don't' have any security setup? Then it going to be rather hard to suggest you want security for the web site when there is no security setup?
So, even a simple basic FBA (the classic security setup) will thus be handled by IIS, and those web service calls can't occur unless the user is already logged in. So, your free to write and setup ajax calls from the client-side page, and you don't even have to worry about security in that client-side JavaScript code if the site has security setup.
If you don't have any security setup or applied to the site, then it quite much suggests that you don't have many options in the way of security choices.

Intercept requests for iisnode with HttpModule

I have a nodejs app running using iisnode in a sub directory for a .net application (umbraco actually).
The .net application is using forms authentication and I want to secure the iisnode application using the same mechanism as the .net application.
I've tried registering modules with the iisnode app but it doesn't even seem to fire the event handlers. Is it possible to do this?
It seems that creating an HttpModule to intercept nodejs requests is impossible. However, I did find a way to get the authentication information I was after.
I created some middleware in my nodejs (expressjs) app that picks up the headers from the request (including the cookies) and make a request to a specially created url on the application using those same headers.
This url simply returns the user info for the user specified in the cookie (if the cookie is present). If I get back some information then I know the user is logged in. No information means they are not logged in and I redirect to the umbraco login page.

Redirect to Web Service WebMethod from ASP.NET Website

I have a website created with ASP.NET and a web service, both using FormsAuthentication (which validates the user's credentials against Active Directory - LDAP).
When I call an action method of this web service for the first time I am redirected to the site's web page that actually logs the users into the system. When I'm logged in I will be redirected to the web service (ReturnUrl), but I'm guessing something gets lost in the way, because I'm getting an InvalidOperationException (in the client), containing the .asmx definition.
This happens on the first call only, the next calls work fine (since I'm going to the right place).
What am I missing here?
How should I redirect from the web site to the web service? Can this be done?
Thanks in advance.
Your web service call is doing a Post, then redirecting via a Get request after authentication. The default response from an ASMX is the .wsdl definition. You can't do web service authentication like this programmatically.
If you are using Active Directory, why not use Windows Authentication and suppress the login?

II6 Basic Authentication and RouteTable.Routes

I have an ASP.NET 4.0 WebForms site that is running on a IIS6/Server 2003 instance. The site itself does not permit anonymous access and uses IIS basic authentication before the user can get to the Forms authentication screen. However, there are two site nodes below the site level, that are virtual directories which DO permit anonymous access (for requesting static images by other machines).
A new request required me to route those requests to a different page and examine the URL being requested and perform different tasks. I’m using a MapPageRoute method in the Global.asax file and the route clears through Forms authentication with a web.config setting <allow users="*" />. Obviously, that works great locally, but when deployed to the IIS6 machine basic authentication kicks in before the request gets routed.
Is there a good way to "fake" or create a virtual directory node in IIS6 and grant it anonymous access so that the routed url request can execute?
This might not work for everyone, but since in my case HTTP Authentication was primarily instituted just to prevent people from multiple attempts at the login page, I actually removed Basic Authentication from the site and all virtual directory nodes.
Then I added it just to the ~/[loginpage] that was being used. Since forms authentication was in use all unauthenticated users are re-directed to the login page and then get the basic authentication. Since the routed page request needed to be public I just added it as an exception to the Web.config. The routed values have to meet a very strict criteria to even be executed by the page logic and everything else is returned as a 404 by the handler.
Obviously this means that the dll is executing before IIS basic security when requests are redirected to the login page, but in this case I think it is fine.

Using Identity Foundation with a WCF Web Api

I have a bunch of websites that are setup identically to use a WIF identity provider. I've recently moved the business logic out of the web applications and into a Web Api service application. This runs in a different virtual directory to the other sites. The idea being that browser will put the data into the page AJAXy.
The issue I have is with securing the web API. It seems that WIF single sign-on works okay with traditional sites. The user can access one website, get redirected to the identity provider, login and get redirected back to the website they wanted. When they access another site they also get redirected back to the identity provider but needn't log in as a FEDAUTH cookie exists so they automatically get authenticated and redirected to the second site.
This doesn't work for the Web Api scenario because when the browser perhaps makes a GET to it, the Api will return a redirect to the calling javascript when it should be expecting JSON.
Is it even possible to secure Web Api with WIF?
Not sure whether I got you right, but it seems like the main problem is that javascript/ajax does not support http redirects.
A possible solution could be to simulate the redirection with a sequence of seperate calls in ajax:
Check whether you are authenticated on your web api site (by a dummy ajax call).
If this is not the case:
Call your sts over ajax and grab the security token out of the "wresult" form field.
Call the login site on your web api site and pass the security token as "wresult" data.
Dominick Bayer wrote a few blog posts about securing rest services. For further reading have a look at (Especially and
The following presentation from TechDays might also be interesting: (starting at about ~ 30 minutes).
