How to fix a HTTP 500 error caused by activating W3 Total Cache plugin? - wordpress

I installed and activated the W3 Total Cache plugin for WordPress, but then immediately had a 500 error appear on the admin panel. The site is up and running fine but I can't access the plugins to deactivate it.
Has anyone got a solution for this?

Login to your site’s files using the file manager provided by your host or use FTP program such as Filezilla to see files/folders.
Browse to the /wp-content/plugins/ folder.
Find the folder of the plugin you wish to disable.
Rename that folder as w3-total-cache.deactivate
Once you do this, The plugin will be deactivated.

If you have FTP access than simply rename the W3 Total Cache plugin folder.
You can find it under /wp-content/plugins/ directory.


Wordpress always redirects to /wp-login.php

i have a problem with one of my wordpress websites. Every time i want to open to home url it automatically redirects me to the /wp-login.php with this strange url:
Also i can't use the "Back to" Link under the login window.
Site & Home URL are set correctly, also there is no redirection set in any plugin or in the .htacces. Also all safety plugins are disabled.
Does anyone already had this strange problem?
Make sure that your website plugins works good.
For first disable all plugins or rename /wp-content/plugins folder then check your website. If problem solves rename back the plugins folder and try to rename plugins directories step by step and find problematic plugin.
Try change the main theme and recheck problem, look at your main theme function.php file content, if you see the obfuscated codes, delete this codes and recheck website.
Delete wp-include, wp-admin folders and reupload from offical last version archive,
Install Wordfence av plugin and scan your website files. maybe you have injected codes.
check your .htaccess file, try to reset it.
Check your server and wordpress requirements. Change the php version to 7.2.
Disable your cahce plugins (if you have).
Try to debug your website with this steps.

update failed during plugin installation of wordpress

I'm trying to install a woocommerce plugin on my wordpress website(locally) it is giving such error 'update failed' as you can see in picture,
how to fix this?
Go to wp-content/upgrade directory and change folder permission to 777 (chmod) or in windows make sure that the read only box is uncheck.
That only means you allow that directory to read write and execute without any restrictions.
You can also solve this error by increasing the execution time.
Just go to your Xampp Control Panel, Stop Apache server, click on config (Apache), then select PHP(php.ini) option, Press Ctrl+F type "execution" and hit enter, then just increase the size of execution time from 30 to 300, save the file and then start Apache again.
It Works for Me!
see sometimes there is compatibility problem of site effects. If you can not fix, you can install another similar plugin
install a plugin that stop the updates of plugins ot theme according to what you want, to stop only the update of this specific plugin, like
after when you fixed or come new version you restart the update procedure
An alternative that works for the installation of plugin is to upload the plugin via cPanel's File Manager or the FTP client (e.g FileZilla).
Download the WooCommerce Plugin from This will download a zipped file which can be uploaded onto the server.
After download, navigate your way to the wp-content/plugins folder on the cPanel. Upload the downloaded file, and extract the file to folder.
NOTE: remember to remove the version number from the name of the plugin after downloading e.g change to
It sounds like the files might have been corrupted during the update.
You’d need to access your site FILES, so that you can delete the WooCommerce plugin folder.
Locate the plugins folder, and remove the woocommerce folder from there. Once deleted, you should be able to go back to your site’s Dashboard and install the plugin again.
If you install any plugins/themes, this could be the reason for continuously fails. Add the below line of code in wp-config.php
Download .zip From wordpress org/plugins/woocommerce/

Wordpress install plugin redirect me to dashboard

When finding a plugin and clicking on install now, I am being redirected to the dashboard and can't install the pluging. Happen when I try to upload the plugin zip too.
download plugin and put extract it into your WordPress plugins directory and then go to wp-admin then plugin and activate .
You have to check in your browser console, may be it is server timeout issue due to plugin large file size. then you have to increase timeout limit in your server. or have to install plugin manually.

Wordpress cannot create directory on theme install

Brand new site. latest version. All glossy and etc.
I went to add a theme. It asked me for my FTP login details. I added these, but now it just keeps falling over and saying:
Could not create directory
Where to from here?
Add this to your wp-config.php file, so it will not ask for FTP again.
define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');
If it does not work there are alot of solutions here
After that make sure your theme directory has the right permission you can read more about permission here: codex wordpress file permission
If you are not sure about permission, change wordpress, wp-content, wp-includes, wp-admin, plugins and themes to 755 and then install your theme.
Found it: ISPConfig3 does not work on Amazon Web Services because every user needs access to the instance, and adding them is a manual process :(
Swapping to Plesk.

After Plugins Update Wordpress doesn't load everything from uploads folder

I'm having a huge problem with this site
After a massive plugins update (9 updates) this website is returning this error:
NetworkError: 500 Internal Server Error
on all images in the "uploads" folder and this error:
NetworkError: 404 Not Found
on js files from wp-includes folder. Even jQuery won't load.
Here what I have done so far:
Disabled All Plugins
Reset Plugins Folder Via FTP
Update Manually Wordpress to 3.5.1
Reset uploads folder permissions (from Aruba control panel)
Set uploads folder permissions to 777
Delete all unused plugins
Check Aruba log file and find that the "Option Indexes not allowed here" error shows up every page load
Check .htaccess file but it's ok
After the plugin update wordpress won't display any upgrade but It had to beacuse I was running on v.3.4.2.
If I try to paste a image link on the browser I receve the "Internal Server Error" page.
If I try to edit a post, all the images are marked as broken and if I try to load a new image it uploads it but can't show me any preview or the image itself.
If I try to start a plugin installation or a wordpress update the page stucks on the downloading, but the plugin or the system is updated.
Ok I've resolved! Aruba was telling me this error:
/web/htdocs/ Option Indexes not allowed here
I've simply deleted the .htaccess file from the uploads folder and all gone ok! I don't know what's happened in this particular site because all my other sites have this file without problems.
the file was containing only this:
Options -Indexes
like other sites. It's a mistery. Thanks to everyone anyway!
