Using WordPress comments.php file as a contact form - wordpress

I want to build my WP theme with a built in contact form. Something simple without captcha. I would like to use just Akismet as a spam filter. So, my first thought was to "convert" the comments.php page into a contact page template. Which I got it, but some points need to be improve.
1) When you use the contact, there is no notification if the content was sent it or not. How could I put a "Thank You" message for the user?
2) As you know, with this approach the contact info doesn't go to my email. Instead it's appear in the comments admin page. Is there any chance to make WP really send me the contact info to my email?
As I said before, I don't want to use a plugin, so if you have any idea how to help me to solve these issues or a new approach to this, it will be highly appreciated.

You should simply use php mail function with your form data. If you don't wont to use plugin, you should still look at some simple plugin for code examples.
There are a lot of free open source themes with contat form you can also use as example. You should also consider creating a wordpress child theme for the theme that already has contact form. That is clean and simple solution.

Why not use a plug-in? WHY "don't you want" to?!
It can turn 1 hour of programming to 5 minutes.
Your best bet is to edit the comment-template form so it doesn't display the comments in each page or post such as single.php, index.php, page.php
Let the form only display.
When you do that, you can go into your Settings -> "Discussion Settings"
E-mail me whenever Anyone posts a
Checkbox the above options. And you should be good to go.


how to create a custom contact form on wordpress?

I would like to create a contact form
How is it better make it with plugin or manual?
I have designed the form on a page. I
Now I would like to validate but I would like to use a plugin as jquery-validator. is it possible?
But when I'll look at the browser. I see it out of box from my web.
Some example. I am a little confused. Thank you
use this plug in easy to get this
I would highly recommend either Contact Form 7 or Gravity Forms plugins to customize your contact form on your WordPress site, depending on your budget and use, but both of them are really good.
When it comes to how quickly you can create a standard contact form to your website, Contact Form 7 can be the much better, because the plugin is free to use, as for Gravity Forms, it requires you to purchase the plugin, download the archive file, upload it to your website, and then create a form. Only after this step is complete can you publish it. You can find more detailed info here about it and a step by step guide on how to add them and maximize your use of them. Hope it helps! ;)

wp email publishing with custom content type?

having researched wp forums and only found people asking this question without any answers, I resort to the source of all truth (stack overflow).
I use wordpress custom post types (Custom Post Type UI plugin) and find it very handy.
Now, I want to be able to email-publish some content via WPs built-in email publishing system, but by default that is set up to only publish as regular posts.
I am aware that I can choose categories for the emailed content, but I would very much like to keep all the pages and content of my news (=blogposts) feeds the way they are, being able to put the email-published content into a content type of its own would really help me out.
So I wonder if anyone has done that, and how you would go about it. Thanks for any input.
Not sure if this helps people looking for a solution, but I managed to do it like this...
When a post is submitted for publish by WordPress default email2post, there is an action hook named 'publish_phone' running, so you can get the post there and change its type like this:
function custom_type_by_mail($post_id){
$p = get_post($post_id,'ARRAY_A');
$p['post_type'] = "my-custom-type";
I resorted to converting it into a post category instead of its own content type. I know not whether there be any other solution =)

Wordpress Plugin requirement

I have a requirement form my client.
He needs a registration form which should be integrated to his site where the user will come and register for that particular event.
Can any one help me what plugin can i use to do this ?? i used plugin but it dint work,
i need something like this, you can see from this link the people can come and register, and there name will be displayed left hand side. similar way i need to ingrate to my site someone please help me.
Thanks in advance
All you need to do is set up a form which posts to the database and then have a table populated from the table.
If you're unsure of how to do this & want to use plugins then I would suggest using the popular contact form type plugins like Fast Secure Contact Form or Contact Form 7.
Take a look at those to figure out which you prefer & then couple it with this plugin to save the form data to the database. That plugin then has short codes that you can put in to display the data.

Only Show Comment in Wordpress

I am looking for a way to only show the comments posted in wordpress.
My main goal is to turn the wordpress CMS into a site like The basic principle is allowing anyone to post anonymously (without having a post to comment on), and then the comments need to be moderated by the admin.
If there is an easier solution to doing this, then I'm open to hearing that as well. The only thing I don't want to do is get the fmyscript clone. I've tried that and don't like it.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Why don't you try the buddypress plugin wherein users can register and post. Just disable all other components except activity feed and make your homepage as a static activity feed page (configurable in the settings).

One page wordpress template with subscription option

I'm new to wordpress. I have to create a one page template for my site and show a subscribe textbox on it with my own custom style. Later, I will use it to send monthly newsletters. What can be the simplest way to do that? I saw into some plugins like newsletter, subscribe2, but they are complicated and I don't know how to integrate them with my text box. They just provide some sort of widget to show on sidebar. Any tutorial or simple plugin? Please help!
You basically have three options:
a. Use a web-hosted syndication service as per the below. (Easiest to configure)
b. Install some sort of newsletter sending plugin for WordPress. (More control, but more configuration)
c. Use a web-hosted newsletter service like Constant Contact (Expensive and Ugh.).
Try using Feedburner with email subscriptions -- see: You sign up, supply your RSS feed's address, then copy-paste the resulting code where-ever in your template you like. Then, whenever you write a new post, your subscribers are sent an email.
Subscribe2 complicated?
You can do auto-download/install from the administration area, you literally only have to config a few options.
Maybe it's just me, but the screenshots certainly make the plugin appear to be very straight-forward.
If you are not heavy with subscription list. Then a good option can be using the MailChimp email subscription with its free option.
You can just install the plugin and place a function called mailchimpSF_signup_form() into your template's right place. And beautify it with your own CSS.
Or in Post or pages' HTML using the shortcode [mailchimpsf_form]
They also have widget to be added dynamically. How to use it?
Create a free account at MailChimp.
Create a list there.
Create an API key there
Go to your MailChimp options page http://yourwordpress.tld/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=mailchimpSF_options
Insert the API key there.
Select the list you want this subscription to be linked to.
There you are!
