JWrapper Build Failed OutOfMemoryError - jwrapper

I am running this build through the JWrapperApp. When ever I try and build my 86.7Mb .jar file, it gets to the step of adding the .jar file to archive then fails with a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError. I have tried only building for one OS at a time, as well as adjusting some other settings but none seem to have an effect.
I have successfully been able to build the sample-app and I know my .jar file is in working order.

I would suggest you try starting your JWrapperApp with more memory by passing the JVM option -Xmx1024m or greater to it. This entails starting the JWrapperApp packager from the commandline/shell using the following command:
java -Xmx1024m JWrapperApp.jar


issue with running javafx jar file

hope you all safe and well
I made a jar file like this, it's JavaFX jar, I putted the SDK inside the file
image of the files
also in the run, I made these arguments
#echo off
start "" java --module-path "javafx-sdk-15.0.1\lib" --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.graphics,javafx.fxml -jar ShapeEditor.jar
it works well on my computer, but when I moved it to another computer, cmd just appears and shutdown itself for no reason, I wish if someone could help me with it!.
this is my first ever JavaFX file, so I'm new to the whole concept
i created the jar file by adding jar file to articats tab in intelJ as in here
, then went to build and built the jar file, added icons in the folder along with the fx SDK, and made a batch file to make run arguments as mentioned above, ran it and no problem, moved it to another windows 10 pc, ran it and a windows appears momentarily then shutdown

Development on KDE platform

I'm interested in learning about kde environment. So I read the contribution page on wiki, git cloned the kompare repo and built it. But an attempt to execute the binary gave me an error saying Could not load our KompareNavigationPart. The console showed the following error about kservice:
> ./kompare
kf5.kxmlgui: cannot find .rc file "kompareui.rc" for component "kompare"
kf5.kservice.services: KMimeTypeTrader: couldn't find service type "Kompare/ViewPart"
Please ensure that the .desktop file for it is installed; then run kbuildsycoca5.
kf5.kxmlgui: cannot find .rc file "kompareui.rc" for component "kompare"
Aborting aboutToFinish handling.
I couldn't find anything about it in the readme or the project wiki. I've installed the kde-development-meta package on arch linux. Can anyone help me get started with development on kde platform?
Short answer: Use "cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr" and "make install".
Long answer: It looks like you tried to run from the build directory, but the KDE plugin loader does not look there by default. You could adjust the various path variables to additionally point to your build directory. The variables are mentioned at https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Build_from_source#Set_up_the_runtime_environment
You can also use "make install" to install to a run-time directory. If you did not change the defaults of cmake via -D option, this will be "/usr/local/", and in this case you also have to adjust the various path variables to include that directory, unless your distribution already configured this for you.

Android SDK MonkeyRunner 25.3.2 Won't Run

So I upgraded Android SDK tools today and now I'm having a problem getting monkeyrunner to run. I did the standard which is (from the command prompt)
D:\Android\SDK\tools\bin\monkeyrunner.bat D:\ScriptName.py
Note 1: The directory of monkeyrunner.bat changed in this release, so I had to update my command line accordingly.
That fails with the message:
SWT Folder '..\framework\x86_64' does not exist.
I can fix that by editing monkeyrunner.bat and instead of having frameworkdir be set to 'lib' it gets set to '..\lib', the actual location of the monkey runner jar file.
However, when I implement this fix it then gives the error:
Cannot run program "..\framework\adb.exe" cannot find the file specified.
I'm kind of stuck here because no matter what I change in monkeyrunner.bat I get the same message, which indicates to me that the jar file has this directory hardcoded in it or something. It should probably be "....\platform-tools\adb.exe"
Any help would be appreciated.
-open monkeyrunner.bat in notepad
change set frameworkdir=. to set frameworkdir=..\lib everywhere
find the line call "%java_exe%" -Xmx512m "-Djava.ext.dirs=%frameworkdir%;%swt_path%" -Dcom.android.monkeyrunner.bindir= -jar %jarpath% %*
change the value of Dcom.android.monkeyrunner.bindir to the path of the folder containing adb.exe. Mine was under platform-tools

Add coverity scan to Qt app

I'm trying to add Coverity Scan static analysis to my Qt project but I'm not able to get the result.
I download the coverity scan build tools and use the following command line:
cov-build --dir cov-int make
Which produces the following log:
my build log
[WARNING] No files were emitted. This may be due to a problem with your configuration
or because no files were actually compiled by your build command.
Please make sure you have configured the compilers actually used in the compilation.
For more details, please look at:
How can I go further?
I'm using Qt 5.3.2 under MacOS 10.9.
I didn't read the docs carefully enough: https://scan.coverity.com/download?tab=cxx
I had to configure coverity first by running:
cov-configure --comptype clangcxx --compiler clang++ --template
You need to run qmake first, then you can run the cov-int command with make.
I found it easiest to run cov-int in my build- folder created by Qt-Creator.

Building Brackets Shell (After running the grunt build command)

On windows after running the grunt build command for creating brackets shell it gives done without errors but i dont see any .exe file generated..
What might be the problem???
Here are some possible solutions:
Are you following the full brackets-shell build instructions, including all prerequisites?
Make sure Brackets isn't running at the same time. The build will fail silently if the .exe file is currently in use (see bug).
Try with a fresh git clone of the repo. If your brackets-shell local copy has been around for a while, sometimes the build & deps folders can get in a bad state. (I'm assuming you haven't modified the source at all. If you have, try with an unmodified copy of the source first to make sure it builds correctly without any of your changes).
Check that python --version shows 2.7.x
Verbose build output would also be helpful in diagnosing issues like this, but unfortunately there's not yet an easy way to get that...
If you follow the instructions on bracket-shell's wiki page, the Windows executable should be created in the Release directory.
