Changing Wordpress background colour smoothly on page scroll - wordpress

Can't seem to find an answer via search so wonder if anybody has advice please?
How to achieve a background effect like this -
...easily :-)
Is there a plugin that might do it, for example?
Thank you.


Uber menu mouse over transparent

hope someone will be able to help me!
I am trying to sort out an uber menu and transparency/opacity issue
The menu is shown here at and I have also attached a screen shot. Currently when the mouse rolls over the roll over changes to a solid grey. I can change the colour easy but would like to change the opacity (screenshot below) so as per the screenshot, the light grey rectangle will reduced opacity, so:
the background car will show through
looks less harsh when the user is using the menu.
I have tried various CSS code but without any success and wonder if anyone has some good ideas / code that might work. The plugin lets CSS be added to tweak the plugin further, although I cannot find anything in help sections or across the internet, which helps in anyway.
Any help will be greatly appreciated :)

Askew div transform

First - I have to apologise for really bad question. I know that questions like this shouldn't be here, but I really have no idea what else should I do now. Because I've tried to google this issue and also was searching here. But no result.
The thing is - I have to make page exactly like this:
I have all the background images separately, because it should work that non-active div will be covered with dark filter and onhover it will colorize. So I would like to ask, if is that even possible? To make divs askew like this? With transform: rotate maybe? I will be SO MUCH thankful for every help how to solve this.
Thanks for your help and sorry for this type of question.

Want to create a menu in wordpress exactly likes

I want to create a vertical menu exactly like I have tried few themes having vertical menu and also tried SuperFly menu plugin to get the result. Can anyone help me to get this?
Thank you.
Navigation bars are nothing more than HTML and CSS code aligned properly. I'm not really sure how well you know CSS and HTML, but this can be done with those, and understanding the concept is very direct. Please refer to this page for example:

Adding in a CSS faded border

I was just wondering if anyone might be able to tell me how to add a left and right sided faded border to my webpages such as on this site:
My webpages are of a fixed layout and are 920px in width to the edges of the images / text boxes.
Any help would be greatly appreciated in my quest to learn CSS! I've tried to find tutorials on how to do this or previous topics on this however I must not be putting in the correct keywords because I can't seem to find what I'm after.
Thank you!
you use box-shadow it's supported in most new browser, some uses prefixes though.
there is even a generator available that can come in handy

magento - change the colour of the footer links text

hoping somebody might be able to help me.
I am currently using a hellothemes theme.
I would like to change the colour of the footer links text. Any ideas on how to?
Also can anyone explain the differences between the CSS's on Boxes.css:
Mage_CSS_B Common Elements
Mage_CSS_E Shop Pages
Mage_CSS_F Overrides
This question is similiar to your other question..
If you use Firebug for Firefox, you can inspect the Footer link text, and see the line of CSS that is deciding the color. It's much easier than trying to guess what each line of CSS is trying to do.
