Rules in Entity Relationship Diagram Layout - erd

Is it allowed to have overlapping lines in creating the ERD of a Database? Please Help... and if possible please provide a reference if allowed.. Thanks in advance!


How can I see all the views under a schema in Teradata?

Could you please help me figure out how I can find out what are all the views under a certain schema?
At the moment I know only the names of 3 of them but there are more.
What I know:
What I would like to is view_known_name_4
from [view1].[view_known_name_4]
So what I would need is to list all views under [view1].
Thank you.

Problem in having similar words for Entities

Issue for finding similarity of entities
I want the most similar words for all the 'entities' that are available in my doc. I'm facing this error. I need assistance.It would be immense help for me if someone guide me. Thanks in Advance
Notes: Using 'gensim' to get the similar words for entities that are available in my doc
-Attached a screenshot of error.

Concrete5 Stacks & Blocks

I am working on existing concrete5 website and I don't have sufficient knowledge of concrete database structure.
I am creating api to fetch all the products which are added in "Stacks and Blocks".
I have cID, stID values and fetched the info from stacks table, Can anyone please let me know How to fetch the complete details including image from database.
I tried to make the relation between tables based on cID, stID.
Thanks in advance.
The images are stored in the application/files directory although you'll need to retrieve the path from the database to find them. as #1stthomas noted, without more details of the information you are working with, it's difficult to provide any specific advice.
FWIW, the API documentation for concrete5 can be found here.

Could anybody please point me to an example of implementing an option's contract using Corda?

I couldn't find such an example for "option" contract in Corda.
Could anybody please point me to such an example?
Thanks a lot
A set of sample CorDapps is provided here:
One of these samples is an options CorDapp. See

Symfony2/Doctrine2 searchable behavior?

Why the searchable behavior has been removed from doctrine2? I have not found any trace of that in Doctrine Extensions (, nor I have found any resources about the topic. Anyone can help me?
If you search a really simple searchable system, you can look at and
It's a set of traits (php5.4) that helps you to create simple filter forms.
