Is it allowed to have overlapping lines in creating the ERD of a Database? Please Help... and if possible please provide a reference if allowed.. Thanks in advance!
Could you please help me figure out how I can find out what are all the views under a certain schema?
At the moment I know only the names of 3 of them but there are more.
What I know:
What I would like to is view_known_name_4
from [view1].[view_known_name_4]
So what I would need is to list all views under [view1].
Thank you.
Issue for finding similarity of entities
I want the most similar words for all the 'entities' that are available in my doc. I'm facing this error. I need assistance.It would be immense help for me if someone guide me. Thanks in Advance
Notes: Using 'gensim' to get the similar words for entities that are available in my doc
-Attached a screenshot of error.
I am working on existing concrete5 website and I don't have sufficient knowledge of concrete database structure.
I am creating api to fetch all the products which are added in "Stacks and Blocks".
I have cID, stID values and fetched the info from stacks table, Can anyone please let me know How to fetch the complete details including image from database.
I tried to make the relation between tables based on cID, stID.
Thanks in advance.
The images are stored in the application/files directory although you'll need to retrieve the path from the database to find them. as #1stthomas noted, without more details of the information you are working with, it's difficult to provide any specific advice.
FWIW, the API documentation for concrete5 can be found here.
I couldn't find such an example for "option" contract in Corda.
Could anybody please point me to such an example?
Thanks a lot
A set of sample CorDapps is provided here:
One of these samples is an options CorDapp. See
Why the searchable behavior has been removed from doctrine2? I have not found any trace of that in Doctrine Extensions (, nor I have found any resources about the topic. Anyone can help me?
If you search a really simple searchable system, you can look at and
It's a set of traits (php5.4) that helps you to create simple filter forms.