stopping weblogic server 8.1 from console - weblogic8.x

I am using weblogic server 8.1 with MyEclipse and started the command propmt with "startweblogic" command.
I can't post image due to less reputation so I'm just writing the command like I wrote on my console:
and my server is started after this.
now instead of just closing the window, I want to stop the server properly, but I don't know how to do it. It seems that I can't type anything in the console. So please someone tell me how to stop the server properly??

Maybe pressing Ctrl+C in the console...but closing windows console is well too.
If you want to keep opened your cmd, first open a new cmd, navigate to the weblogic bat file, start server and then press Ctrl+C to stop server. Doing that, you could start server again pressing key up and enter.
(sorry for my bad english)


Mouse not clicking the intended image using sikuli library for robot framework on virtual machine (azure)

i am currently running robot tests using sikuli library(for a desktop application) on a virtual machine in azure.
I have problems with mouse not clicking intended image. and i get the error below.
[error] RobotDesktop: checkMousePosition: should be L(209,150)#S(0)[0,0 2049x1152]
but after move is `L(210,150)#S(0)[0,0 2049x1152]`
Possible cause in case you did not touch the mouse while script was running:
Mouse actions are blocked generally or by the frontmost application.
You might try to run the SikuliX stuff as admin.
[log] CLICK on L(209,150)#S(0)[0,0 2049x1152] (562 msec)
Could someone help me how to solve this issue. i tried running the script as an admin and also checked resolution but still doesnt work.
Any help would be appreciated. thanks.
That message is thrown usually because lack of privileges. If you tried running the program vía command line, try to create a new user with Administrative privileges. Later, execute the program with Shift + Left Click --> Run as ... and enter the new credentials. That should work.

client communication error on Virtual Machine running on cloudstack

I want to use terminal/console of ubuntu 14 installed on virtual machine running on cloudstack 4.6. I am able to use ubuntu 14 desktop normally but whenever I try to use the terminal from it, i get "Client communication error please retry later". Following is the screen shot of the error.
I am using college network behind a proxy server, could that be a problem ?
any suggestions ? Does anybody know where I am going wrong ?
Quickest way to troubleshoot this - on the browser window that houses the broken terminal, do a view source. In there you'll find a URL direct to your console proxy server. Copy and paste that URL into a new window and see if you can hit it directly. I'm guessing a firewall issue...

Lock and Edit Button is Weblogic 12C admin console is not responding ,

Lock and Edit Button is Weblogic 12C admin console is not responding , when I click it it just keeps loading and nothing happens , I have tried Different Browsers with different cache settings nothing works. I want to make changes to the console . Is there any resolution?
This is a strange issue I could not find answers for this anywhere
Take a thread dump at the AdminServer JVM at the time it "hangs". To see what hangs exactly. If you are running inside an virtual Linux VM adding Java Option might be worth to try.

KIBANA 4 process gets stopped on closing the putty window

I am using kibana-4.0.0-beta3 version on linux machine. The process gets stopped automatically on closing the putty window. Is there any way to run the process in back-end?
Yes. As with any unix process, the basics would be to use 'nohup' and put the process in the background. You should write a startup script (e.g. /etc/init.d/kibana4) that is similar in form to other startup scripts on your system.
Here is a kibana4 startup script for debian, simply place it in /etc/init.d/kibana , then run:
/etc/init.d/kibana start
set it to start on boot:
update-rc.d kibana defaults
Use a program called screen to run anything in a shell. Then detach from the terminal session but keep the processes running. When you reconnect you can reconnect to the session and interact with them.
Run with nohup
nohub ./bin/kibana
bin/kibana > abc.txt &
This will run kibana in backend and redirect its logs to abc.txt. works like a charm for me :-)

pyinstaller program not working if built without console

I have a small app that I'm trying to build against windows machines. The program creates an OpenVPN connection. If I build the program and run it it first opens a console as the program output. If I pass the -w parameter to pyinstaller to not build it with a console attached the program fails to run at all. It opens allright but the vpn connection is never created.
With the console everything works perfect.
I also have a basic logging for the application in place to see where my code might stop and nothing gets written. With console on my program spits out all kinds of logs.
I just don't know why my program could be performing perfectly with a console but doing nothing without one. Any ideas?
Gonna answer this myself. Make sure you don't print anything and also you redirect all stdout to a logger, file or whatever else instead of the console.
I was having a similar problem, but couldn't find any print/stdout statements going to console. I was using subprocess.Popen and redirecting stdout=subprocess.PIPE. I subsequently added stderr=subprocess.STDOUT and stdin=subprocess.PIPE and my program worked. This page (Python fails when using pythonw.exe) on subprocess failures helped me get it working.
