change the color sceme for aptana studio 3 - aptana

I'm trying to change the color scheme for Aptana Studio 3 to the Monokai Color Sheme which is the default color scheme for Sublime Text.
I googled about it and I found this article :
now I don't know how to add the XML file and the other EPF file.
I googled about how to add a color scheme to aptana studio, and I found the COL files.

Install Eclipse Market Place on Aptana Studio
From Eclipse Market Place install Eclipse Color theme Plugin
You will find out most of the popular themes after installing plugin.(In Aptana Studio -> Window->Preferences->Appearance->Color Theme).
You can also install themes from by importing themes.

I don't know why this does not work in my Aptana 3.4, but it's easier than that and there's no need to install any plugin.
Window -> Preferences
Aptana Studio -> Themes
Select theme "Monokai"

It may be old, but it seems like all you need is this guide to naming scopes for YOUR OWN EASY-TO-DO COLOR THEME. link to naming of scopes


eclipse does not find bootstrap css in jsp

i am developing dynamic web project with bootstrap templates every thing is working fine even view is rendering perfect.
in home.jsp file in which i have link css(bootstrap files & my customized files) file
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<c:url value="/resources/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css"/>">
but in my code when i press ctrl+space it does not show me suggestion for css classes in
<div class="..">
i am using eclipse neon please help me thank
Depending on which Eclipse package you installed you may already have the CSS and HTML editors. If you don't then you can install them using Help > Install New Software. Choose the software site for your version of Eclipse in the drop down list and look at the Web, XML, Jave EE and OSGi Enterprise Development section. The Eclipse Web Developer Tools section contains the editors you want but the other sections may also be of interest.
And if this plugin for eclipse will work for you
Researching this a bit and reading over your comments it seems that you are using Eclipse with the Aptana extension. If you absolutely do not need to use the Eclipse environment you could now download the Aptana Studio 3 which is based on Eclipse. It looks just like eclipse but is Aptana. Now instead of entering this and looking for Aptana plugins you are going to go into Aptana and look for eclipse plugins. I've installed this myself and have installed several plugins that handle all sorts of things such as javascript code completion, source code formatting etc.
If you go to this site you can download the software there. To get all of the plugins, you can do use this site to guide you through some terrific source code completion utilities as well as others.

Visual Studio 2015 reinstall: ugly CSS editor, no color picker. Why?

I was forced to reinstall VS 2015 update 3.
Before reisntall I have this CSS/LESS editor, as I like and working with. this one have color picker & more:
After the upgrade, I see this one, with far-away autocomplete and no color picker:
Why I am seeing this? how to fix it?
Open With did not show a CSS editor in the list.
Update: found the problem. I was uninstalled AspNet5.ENU.RC1_Update1_KB3137909.exe (ASP.NET 5 RC1).
After this successful uninstall, I could open VS install, and see the Web Tools was unchecked. After the Unchecked, I can Reinstall them again without restart.

How to I start contributing to Aptana Studio 3?

I want to fix some issues with rvm and Aptana Studio 3. Is there a somewhere I can use to bootstrap my environment to develop the plugin?
Aptana mantains their repos at github. Also, you can search in the tracker if there is any item related to your issue open, or open a new one yourself asking for help.

Remove addons from Aptana Studio 3 (e.g. PyDev)

Aptana is a very heavy program.
I do not need Ruby/Python, how can I remove these plugins/addons to make it lighter for what I do?
Also how would I delete 'bundles' under the commands submenu?
It's not really possible to remove those items in the built application at the moment. There is some discussion about providing a very simple installer with one-click installs of extra languages, but we don't yet have an ETA on that. You can follow this ticket for more information.
Maybe you could do it in reverse. If Aptana is built on Eclipse, maybe there's a way to install Eclipse and then selectively install plugins to make it effectively equivalent to Aptana.

Emmet (ex Zen Coding) - Aptana

I've been trying, through many different ways to install zen coding for aptana.
First i gone to Zen Coding project hosting, on google and found a weird zip, different from what every walkthrough describe. And following multiple walkthroughs, all of them told me to look for the aptana plugin, on zen coding githubs page. After searching for a long time, i found it, dev version. Then added as default project and stuff, but it just doesn't works and it doesn't have the LIB folder, describe in many tutorials.
Then, finally, i tried adding the official Eclipse/Aptana plugin, the weird one. As i didn't know how to install, just tried extracting to aptana plugins folder. Then, it appears on the menu scripts but when i do ctrl+e, it just crashes(the zen coding). It throws an error without many description.
I'm using Aptana studio standalone 2
Go to:
Help -> Install new software
In the "work with" field, type this repo address:
Press "Add...", give it a name and press OK.
Zen coding should appear on the software list, under "uncategorised". You can install it as you'd install any other plugin.
Hope this helps.
Tested & confirmed to be working with:
Aptana 2.0.5
Aptana 3
Zend Studio 8 (under Windows 7 and Ubuntu)
Zend Studio 9 (thanks to #Patrioticcow for the info)
Eclipse Indigo
Fails with Zend Studio 7.2, but I don't know whether it's a rule or just my bad luck.
