Hover Menu Issue on Ipad back and forth - css

I've been pulling my hair out trying to get my CSS hover menu to work properly on iPad. I have tried applying hover classes using javascript with the same result, so it must be in the css. The site also utilizes twitter bootstrap.
What happens currently is that on a tap, the dropdown/link hover state show for a split second, then the previous link dropdown/hover show, then it shows the correct one again and it remains open as it should.
EDIT: In case anyone else has this problem, update bootstrap (primarily the dropdown class) and you should be fine.

Updated bootstrap, primarily the dropdown class javascript.


Menu items with anchor link url (/#xxxx) stay stuck in hover/active state as soon as page loads and without any trigger. Wordpress/avada

After too many hours of frustration spent not understanding what was happening, a random idea to test seems to have confirmed the issue, but no idea how to properly resolve, and I'm truly not certain if this is a wordpress, css or even a theme caused issue (Avada theme). So a quick explanation:
Wordpress, Avada theme. Everything updated and patched. There is a menu on the site. There is a basic white color for the text, and hovering over a menu item changes the text color to orange and adds a border to the top and bottom. Nothing crazy. Just a little "animation" by setting a base state for the menu items (text white, background transparent, no border), and setting some different parameters for when it's hovered/active. I actually set the options in the avada builder, but also confirmed what was being applied with chrome dev tools. While in the builder back end after setting this, it works flawlessly. Hovering a menu item triggers the transition and moving off returns it to original state. If I visit the page normally however, all the menu items are already displaying and stuck in their hover state. From first moment it's visible it's already like that, and all the menu items are the same as if they were all being hovered. Hovering, clicking etc doesn't change the state. It acts like the hover/active properties are always active. Even trying to force change the element state in chrome dev tools doesn't change anything. If I go back into the live edit mode (which is still rendering the site as well), it's functioning perfectly.
I couldn't find much of anything hunting the forums. But a lucky break....I noticed that all the links in the menu were of anchor link variety. The kind that has ...com/#xxxxx in the url where clicking on it scrolls to a section or part of the same page instead of taking you to a unique page. The site was set as a one page. Using the avada Wedding demo site as a starting point. So I tested replacing a menu item with an anchor link url with any other link without the #xxxxx . Suddenly, it works perfectly again. Any of the anchor link items will still be stuck in that hover state appearence, but any item not using an anchor link looks and works fine even when the menu is a mix of both.
So the dillema. The page is all on one page, so the menu items need to use the anchor style. I'm not certain why anchor link seems to be be stuck on hover/active. I had wondered if it's just technically always active by the way it works which would explain this. Any thoughts?
Menu items with anchor link urls don't change between regular or hover/active state

css main drop down menu is blinking and not expanding

When viewing the site mobile size screens, the main menu becomes a drop down menu. When you attempt to click on it, it blinks for a second or two but doesn't ever drop down and stay. I've tested on iOS and Android, as well as just using the google inspect element. It fails to drop down on there too. I'm not quite sure what's wrong and any help would be greatly appreciated!
You likely have deeper problems with the way things have been set up in html and/or js. #main-menu > ul.menu{display:none;} for media widths below 767px. Whatever is toggling display on the menu when you click is possibly triggering more than once or maybe not setting/toggling the classes the way that it should. Double check your naming, you might not be setting dt-menu-expand class, which, although it's hard to tell, it looks like that's what you intended from your css.

Twitter Bootstrap carousel component controls positioning glitch in firefox

I redesigned a website for a friend using twitter bootstrap which i supposed would save me from thinking about cross-browser compatibility.
Now I try to use it with firefox only to notice that the controls of the Carousel component move away when you hover them, thus making it impossible to click them. Not to mention it looks rather unprofessional.
The strange behavior can be seen here and occurs to me on Firefox 18.0.2:
Anybody has a clue to what's going on? Tried looking in the css but the only thing that should happen on hover is an opacity change...
for the selectors .carousel-control:hover, .carousel-control:focus (line 576 of your CSS) add position:absolute

Does the Twitter widget inject some weird code in that affects everything in the DOM? Notably :hover in iOS

I have just come across a weird CSS quirk that goes far beyond my understanding and would appreciate some help:
I was trying to build a fancy pure css dropdown solution using the clickable event method Ryan Collins proposed: http://www.ryancollins.me/?p=1041
With :active and :hover and some nested divs we may make trigger spans (or divs or whatever) that cause a sister element in the same container to appear upon mouse click. The example on Ryans page worked on my ipad so I assumed that iOS was smart enough to handle a touch event as triggering the :active state - and if the trigger contains a hyperlink this works, but there is no way to deactivate the active state of a hyperlink, safe for clicking on another hyperlink.
This sucks, because my plan to have an elegant navigation (and some other stuff) pop up and hide from view with just css is foiled, the menu never collapses - but then why does the example on Ryan's page work? I did some testing and finally narrowed the key element down to a twitter widget he has embedded on his page. Some javascript styles the embedded tweet and in doing so, it affects the very :active and : hover solution that all of a sudden works via touch on iOS, even without hyperlinks.
Can anybody tell me what causes this behavior and if I could emulate it without relying on a crazy hack like embedding a twitter widget and hiding it from view?
Found the answer myself with some more digging through the code and a little Google help:
The twitter widget among all the proprietary stuff it does also declares a touchstart event, which by itself anywhere on the page is enough to make mobile safari utilize the CSS :active pseudo style.

Icons in PaginationToolbar not showing up

I'm using the Sencha ExtJS Framework in Version 4.05 and i have the following problem. I am displaying Ext.Grids which have a pagination toolbar at the bottom of the Grid. On the Sencha Sample Page the Grids will display some buttons (first-page, prev-page, next-page, last-page, refresh) with icons on it.
Unfortunately the icons are not displayed in my Grids:
As you can see, the buttons are actually there, and they're working correcrly, only the icons are not displayed.
The references to the images are correct and the images are there and accessible for the browser. (If i view the css of the button in Firebug and hover the imageurl it will display the correct icon).
One thing i noticed is, that for some reason the <span> Element which should display the icon is "grayed out" in the firebug view. (On the Sencha example page it is not).
The CSS of that element looks fine for me:
Note: The complete CSS File used can be found HERE
A short note on the Theme: i made this grey theme (named "documents") just by changing the main colour of the .sass template and compiling the ext-all.css to a new one for my theme. So i didn't change anything with the icons.
Any suggestions what could cause this problem?
Hard to debug without access to the actual code. However, I noticed that both in the CSS you copied above as well as the css link you posted (which was supposedly the whole css), that neither set of css (that I could find) had any reference to the x-btn-icon class by itself, and yet that is the class (along with x-tbar-loading) that is on your grayed out span element. So, what is that class doing? Where is it defined? There may reside your issue.
EDIT: I went to the Sencha website and firebugged an icon on the grid sample. When I deleted the x-btn-icon class from the element, I believe I duplicated your problem. So it seems that the necessary definition of that class is missing from your css. On their site it is defined in the ext-all.css.
