How To integrate linkedin with a application -

How To integrate linkedin with a application. I mean how to send data from linkedin to my custom app and from my custom app to linkedin.

I have found some links for you.May be helped to you.Please check that. :)
Linkedin with
LinkedIn API Integration in ASP.Net


Social websites API for .NET

I wanted to integrate social websites using their API. Is there any free API which ease this work? Like Facebook, LinkedIn and Google.
My intention is to give the user the opportunity to login/register through these websites to
get profile information specially from LinkedIn and Facebook.
Check out the Facebook SDK. There is a NuGet which will get you started quickly:
Source code
Facebook has a great API for that and documentation, and you can download the Facebook API if you need it.

How to allow users to Login to my web application using their google account in ASP.NET

I am developing a website, in that i want to implement this feature so when ever the user login to their google account i want to get their profile and i want to store it in my database.
i here that it could be done by OAuth. Can any one have best example of this situation please post here.
Thanks in advance
Have you looked at the DotNetOpenAuth project? The download includes sample projects for MVC and WebForms.

Facebook authentication for

I researched on various articles available on the internet..
but still i'm not able to find a proper solution for integrating facebook connect authentication with my site..
Facebook C# SDK

Authenticate users on my site through LinkedIn

I'm working on a small site for my university. The requirements include the ability for our users to authenticate with their LinkedIn accounts. I know Facebook and Twitter have such capability, but what about LinkedIn? I'll be doing this in .NET, is there a native SDK?
LinkedIn uses OAuth just like Facebook, their developer site / docs are at:
javascript api:
Here is simple OAuth C# working example and ASP.NET implementation example project.
It will help you in LinkedIn implementation.

How to use Twitter as the Login for a Website

We are developing an 2.0 web application in that user can sign-up or sign-in using twitter account.
when the user click on the twitter button, it should take you to the twitter login page.
after your login is successful twitter should able to forward me back to my page webpage.
Please let me know.
For this you use Twitter's OAuth authentication framework. It's used so that users don't have to directly enter their user + password into your site. (I assume you know how the front-end to that works already.)
You can use this little example to use OAuth from .NET - it is built for ASP.NET. (The demo the guy provides is My Tweeple.)
Twitter actually includes instructions for using OAuth to make a Facebook Connect-style system.
Twitterizer library have sample ASP.NET application that will walk you through the OAuth authorization process and attempt to explain what’s going on and how you can do the same in your application.
This article demonstrates that How to integrate Twitter into web application
using Twitterizer library.You can allow your visitors to post tweets, view their timeline and much more.
Here is an example shows how to implement Twitter OAuth with .NET and attached sample code.
