Flex url path question - apache-flex

Currently moving a project Ive been working on to a dev server but for some reason its still looking at localhost. I've checked firebug in firefox and also in chrome developer tools and they both show the app looking at localhost. On the odd side I'm running the network monitor in Flash Builder 4.5 and it is displaying the calls going out to the correct dev path. I've even gone the route of displaying the WSDL path in a text field and it does display the correct dev path.
Code block..
protected function preInitializeService():void
_serviceControl.service = "ASCC";
_serviceControl.port = "ASCCSoap";
wsdl = "http://dev.mysite.com/services/ascc.asmx?WSDL";

Are you using an AMF connection that references services-config.xml? Check that your services-config.xml channel endpoint is pointing to your correct server url and not to localhost.

So I finally got this worked out. First, thanks to both of you for helping on this. The error was actually being caused by the network monitor inside of flash builder. I noticed something odd when I turned of IIS and I was still able to run my application. After some digging it turns out that the localhost my swf kept looking for was actually flash builder. Once I disabled network monitor, did a clean, and compiled the swf it worked like a charm!


Troubleshoot ASP.net WebForms download file problem

In my webpage, I have a download button will write excel to response and it work previously. But I got a problem today that browser on client (tested IE and Chrome) cannot download exported excel from ASP.net webforms suddenly without changing code and software install.
When I test in Chrome, console show that Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.
I used the notepad to open the downloaded excel and the content become the my web html page.
I tried to login server and use the browser in server, the file can be download normally with correct content.
I have tried to copy the web folder to another server and iis setup, it show same behavior that the downloaded excel become html content of my page on client browser but work in server browser.
May I have any idea how to troubleshoot on this case please?
Are you facing this issue on a domain/managed network? If yes, are you the administrator of the network? If that's not the case, please give these suggestions a try:
If you’re using an antivirus or firewall software, make sure Chrome
is trusted or allowed by these programs. You can also try
temporarily disabling your antivirus or firewall to see if this
resolves the issue.
Just to make sure we eliminate malware from the
scenario, please follow the steps from this help article.
Try resetting the Chrome browser to see if that helps.
Also, creating a new user profile on your Chrome can be helpful.
If the issue persists, download and run Chrome Canary. It is the
cutting edge developer version of Chrome that can be installed
alongside Stable Chrome. It's possible the problem won't exist on a
future version.
refrence article

Codekit 3 - External Server Issue

I've been using codekit for ages now, and now I've been using the version 3 since it came out.
I really like this app, but there's something I never really understood and I decided to post it here (hoping to finally understand how this works and how to make it works like I want).
I have MAMP pro installed, with some hosts.
Let's say I have this list of hosts with (fake) document root:
localhost -> documents/site1/dist
test -> documents/sitetest/dist
and let's assume that test is a wordpress site having the site url set to
http://test/ in the database.
In codekit, when I enable the browser refresh, the bottom options asks me to write down the address I would visit to see my website.
Now, if I navigate to http://test/ my WordPress website loads and I am able to see everything.
In codekit I then setup the browser refreshing options to be the following:
Animation: ticked
Refresh Delay: 0.0 seconds (default)
Preview: empty
Document-Root Subpath: empty
External Server Required: on
External Server Address: http://test/
Then when I click on the green dot (server) to preview my website, I'm expecting codekit to navigate to http://test:5757 and to properly display my website. This, unfortunately, is not the case. When I click on the preview (or server, it doesn't really make any difference for me) codekit navigates to my mac IP and the website is either not loading or loading without any external resource.
I don't think the issue is in the way I load the resource in WordPress (i use enqueue sources properly, and the website without using codekit refresh function works, load and displays as meant to).
So far, I always switched my current project to use the localhost host (changing the document root in MAMP pro) and then telling codekit to use the localhost ip as external server, but now it's a bit more complex, as I have way more projects and I was hoping not to change back and forth the document root to use codekit built in refreshing feature.
Is it possible? am I missing something here?
I read all I was able to find as well as watched the videos on codekit, but this bit here is still a bit unknown to me and any help would be really appreciated.
PS: No need to mention I am on a MAC, right? :)
I don't believe I actually managed to fix this.
I'll leave the answer here in case somebody else is facing the same issue.
The problem I had was that my website http://test/ was using a theme called test.
Codekit, for refreshing the browser, uses a simple string search and replace in the URL, and so everything that looked like "test" in the url was replaced by the internal ip.
Quick example:
and of course no file where loaded successfully, as the path was wrong.
To fix this?
Just change the MAMP pro address to something that won't be present in the URL (in my case, the MAMP pro host called test became dev.test and problem solved.

Flex file upload issue io error #2038 over HTTPS

Hi i have a flex file upload application over https it works fine on all IE browsers.
Recently a client with IE9 reported a complaint that she's not able to upload files.
I can see the error generated is IO Error #2038.
The adobe documentation says 2038 is File I/O Error.This error occurs when an application can't get file size, creation date or modification data using the FileReference API.
Can some one help me point out what could be the issue here.
All i can think of is browser issues like, browser cache, some new configuration in IE9 am unaware of or permission on the client directory.
Help will be much appreciated.
I suggest you to use Charles debugging proxy, which is must have tool for all Flash/Flex developers, and see the difference in IE8 and IE9. Maybe the problem is in some HTTP headers or something else.
I have a similar issue. Later I found out that upload feature doesn't work for latest version of flash player over https. Then I tried sending the upload requests via http instead of https. Now its working fine. Try this, it may help in your case aswell.

silverlight plugin is not working on server

i am using silverlight plugin 3.0 to display the chart.it is working fine on local pc but it is not working on server,it is not displaying any thing.
i have checked the MIME type also in iis.its over there.
please tell me whats the problem
thanking you
Just to rule out the chart component itself, have you tried doing a simple "hello world" type application to see if it works?
This should test to see if it is the chart component/data source for it, or a general problem with your server/host and Silverlight.
It being a server, is IE in Extra Security Mode? It might not load up silverlight at all.
Do any silverlight things work? (I usually test with the gallery at silverlight.net).
I faced same problem. I used a perpetuum repoting tool. I had to create reporting services and these services are accessed by reporting viewer from client side. I forgot to change reporting services url. I put "localhost" and everything was blank(I saw blank page when access report).
so check if there is any issue like this...
or check this url about "URL Access Restrictions in Silverlight"

Using HttpModule to Display Images

I have an HttpModule that displays images that follow a certain URL pattern. For example, /images/employees/jason.jpg is handled by the module, but all other images aren't. It works just fine on my local machine (Cassini and IIS 7). However, the IIS6 production server isn't working. I've had the hosting company map the images to the ASP.NET worker process. Now, all images are showing that they can't render except for the images that should be rendered by the module. They are working correct.
I ran an HttpWatch instance on one of the files and received the following error:
Any ideas?
Final Answer:
The module needed to be updated to transmit server files. So, I added an else to my original if and checked to see if it was an image type (by using a utility method) then use Response.TransmitFile() to pass on the file to the browser.
I then ran into a spacing issue with the images. This was because I forgot that I had .aspx files registered as an image type to perform the testing. So each page would crash during the debug process or add padding that was established from CSS. Doh!
Everything is just peachy now. Thanks to all!
There's doesn't seem to be anything particularly wrong with your module, so the issue must be coming from somewhere else. Have you got security that might be blocking the images? What actually gets returned when you request a static file?
I'd suggest seeing what gets returned (and its headers) using something like firebug to check things like the response code, content type, the actual raw response, etc...
check your web.config IIS6 / IIS7 have different places to add modules and depends on what mode your IIS7 is running in.
