Wordpress Contributors? - wordpress

I'm currently using Wordpress.com to host my blog, but I would like more control over it so I am about to setup my own self hosted wordpress. Currently the one on Wordpress.com I have 4 contributors that are signed up and would like to know if there is a way to transfer these accounts over to my self-hosted wordpress without having to create an account for each contributor again.
Is this possible.
Sorry if it is a little confusing.

The contributors are records in your database; you will transfer this database as part of creating your new blog, so you'll get these 4 accounts for free in the transfer process.


WordPress Multi tenant

I'm look to create a wordpress site where a company can sign up and log in and register themselves and manage employees through invite policies. I'm new to wordpress. I'm trying to see if this is feasible to do it here. I like the idea of using wordpress in this sense because of the e-commerce stability with a lot of applications.
Basically, this needs a shared experience for company employees. The employees should be able to purchase access (if paying on a subscription model) a digital download.
I talked to Woocommerce today and they didn't know of any out of the box solution that could meet the need. They are supposed to get back to me.
Are there wordpress e-commerce plugins that can accommodate this setup?
-multi tenant
-digital download (dynamic from api)

How to create parent accounts on Wordpress like 1 Google acc for Gmail, Youtube, Playstore..?

I'm creating a network of some websites that require a login on Wordpress. I was wondering if there was any way to have 1 account for all of the websites instead of creating a new one for each site?
Kind of like Google or Envato.
The websites are not the same in terms of functionality, so I'm thinking this could be a bit complicated.
I'm using 1 wordpress engine for multiple sites
Isn't there some kind of Wordpress plugin where I can update all user databases at once with the strings each sites have in common (e-mail, username & password)?
Thank you :)
Yes, you should be able to make a wordpress account and login to each one with it as long as they are wordpress sites. Or you could use the wordpress "multisite feature" to make multiple sites off one dashboard.

No Wordpress Admin Login or FTP access?

I have a client wanting me to create a whole new WP site for them but with most of the same content as their current WP site. The issue is they don't know their current WP admin login or their ftp login (via DreamHost), and their previous web guy is MIA. Is their any other way to gain access to their site to export their WP data? I figured no, but I thought I'd at least ask.
Contact the hosting company. They can give you access. They're usually pretty cooperative about that kind of thing. As long as you can prove you own the site.

Integrate user accounts commerce server into wordpress

For the moment I have the following construction for my e-commerce platform:
Kentico CMS
Microsoft commerce server
I'm looking to integrate a blog in this concstruction. Altough Kentico CMS has blogging possibilities. Wordpress would fit better with our goals.
However I want to know if there are any possibilites with using the user account defined in commerce server in wordpress for commenting? Users registered on the webshop should be able to comment on a post using the user account registered on the webshop.
Thank you for your effort!
The short answer: NO
The long answer:
No, you cannot.
Two systems use entirely different table sturctures for keeping user info (ID, Username, password, etc). You would need to heavily modify wordpress or kentico in order to sync table structures (which is pointless).
Only possible alternatives I see are:
Write a Migration script which will migrate all the necessary data from kentico DB to WPDB.
Write an iterative script which will create users for Wordpress based on their username and e-mail. That way you can send them their passwords.
Extremely simple (but effective) way would be to make comments FFA and use Disqus or WP native commenting system with Akismet.

Ning - Wordpress Single Sign On

I happened to chanced upon Kyle Ford's 2007 blog post regarding Wordpress' integration with Ning:
However, the source code has been taken offline, I'm assuming it is due to the changes in the Ning API and it's transition to OAuth.
We currently have a client that would like users to login to their Ning network and automatically authenticate on their corresponding Wordpress account. We're hosting videos on the Wordpress site that we only want users with Ning accounts to be able to access.
If you have any insight into how we can do this, any help would be appreciated.
We have complete access to the Wordpress files, but the Ning services resides on their servers.
After discussing my question with the Ning developers, we found out that the capability to perform SSO with Ning -> Wordpress does not exist at this time.
