Wordpress: Moving Some Articles to new site - wordpress

I have a question about moving wordpress sites around. I've read most of the Support Docs about moving a wordpress site. My question is this, what would you guys recommend in regards to moving only certain posts from one site into a totally different domain. My current domain is a tech/blog installation. The past year or so, I've been posting my technical stuff to a different domain, and my current domain is collecting quite a bit of dust. What I'm wanting to do is turn my current domain into a personal blog and move only my technical articles over to the new blog.
Obviously, there's probably an easy way to move posts and comments over (i haven't looked into it but i'm pretty sure I can do this pretty easily). The true question is how I would present these posts on the current site once they are moved over to the new domain? Do I keep them on the current domain? Should I redirect users to the new domain automatically on only these posts? Should I remove them from the current site? These type of questions I'm wondering and if you guys have an pointers please let me know.

I ended up installing the Redirection plugin for Wordpress after exporting from the original Wordpress install and importing the "old" articles into the new site install. With the plugin I was able to create permanent redirections, and since then, search engines have updated and reflected the new site in search results, so this was definitely the best solution.


Is it possible to create duplicate wordpress site by a new user?

im stacked with the question. Example, i have wordpress site at domain name site.com. I wanna to new users, after registration users can create duplicate of main site with replace prebuilt variable. Duplicate version must have view like site.com/nickname-of-user.
Main question: how i can make this with easily way? Maybe exist a ready solution. Maybe most effective use another cms?
This is a lot of function, that should be in a site. Example, affilate program for users registration, paid access for this site, etc.
Which cms is better for this tasks? Thank you for ur answers
Users can create new sites using sub-directories using WordPress Multisite (https://wordpress.org/support/article/create-a-network/)
There is also a plugin called BlogTemplates (https://github.com/wpmudev/blogtemplates) that would allow your users to create a clone of a site upon sign up. It is not being maintained but it is still functional.

Embedding WordPress blog to an existing website

I have an existing website and I want to know how to embed a WordPress blog to the website, can someone help me out, please?
Depending on the way the other website was built, there's an array of possibilities. However, the path of least resistance (read: zero extra effort) is to install Wordpress on a subdomain (i.e. blog.yoursite.com).
If I misunderstood, and you mean literally displaying one blog post on the other website, you can use the WordPress API or the RSS feed.

How to migrate content from Django CMS to Wordpress?

I want to migrate content from Django CMS to WordPress but can't find any resource which would help regarding this.
Depending on the scale of your website it may be difficult to migrate it on your own. There is no automated "plugin" which can help you migrate all your blog posts / products / pages etc. If your website is big in scale and you are not confident in doing everything on your own you can hire an agency to do so. Upon searching the first result on google is this service provider: Multidots
Cannot recommend them as I have never used them but you can at least get a quote for this. Manual migration may take some time but it would be worth it. What you can do is create all your pages, posts, products in Wordpress which essentially is not a hard process. It is important to keep your link structure the same or have proper redirects in order to keep your SEO score and not have 404 errors.

WP multisite to phpBB bridge

This has been discussed before but it looks like a lot of things have changed recently and most answers no longer apply.
Does anyone know of a way to link/bridge the user databases of phpBB and WP? For the purposes of this question i do not (necessarily) mean single sign on or sharing topics, simply that a user created in the WP frontend will have user access to phpBB and vice versa (a user created in phpBB will be added to WP user database).
There are a number of plugins out there that can 'sort of' do this. However, few will work for WP multisite. The (one?) that did has recently disappeared and most of the other plugins seem to no longer be under development (eg WP-united).
Does anyone know of either a plugin or way to do this manually?
Thanks in advance for any replies
i'd like to know this as well. my site has been broken since the WP 4.0 update

Migrating Wordpress data from one website to another

Edit: Editing the original post to make my question simpler
My friend has a art website which is made in wordpress www..com. He hired a wordpress expert to redesign the website. The expert made the redesign at another location at www..com/ so both the websites are at different locations. I have to take the look of the redesigned site and the data of the mainwebsite, what approach should I take. The redsigned website should have all the plugins which are there in the mainwebsite. The redesigned website will replace the mainwebsite.
In short what approach should I take to migrate the new website design to actual website.
Any suggestions and inputs will be appreciated.
Thanks to everyone for taking time for answering the question, all of the answers are right in one way or the other, I would like to share this resource which I found extremely useful that I have bookmarked it for future reference, the author has explained all scenarios to migrate WordPress website. Hope you find it useful. The link to the website is http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2013/04/08/moving-wordpress-website/
I am no way related to this author or website, I am sharing this to help anyone who faces similar problem that I faced.
Export the MySQL database from the current site.
Restore the database backup on the new server.
Copy the entire website to your machine via FTP.
Edit wp-config.php to point to the new database. If
you are changing domains, then see the link below.
Copy the site files to the new hosting server via FTP.
go to tools->import
now select wordpress and install the plugin
now you can export all your posts/pages and use the same tool to import that data to your new site
I would suggest following steps
Create a dummy site (beta or temp)
Move current mainsite there
Download theme from the redesigned site
Install it on the dummy site
Make sure everything is working perfectly as you want with the data you want
Move it live
Hope this helps.
