How to write simple telegraf input plugin - telegraf

Hello I'm beginner to telegraf,
Can anyone tell me how to write simple telegraf input plugin.
("Hello World")...

Please find the below article for writing plugin.


How to create a job post by email parsing in WordPress?

I want to develop a job board website. I want specific feature in that is job posts will be created automatically by email parsing.
I tried Zapier, but it creates only blog posts.
And tried postie plugin to, but Gmail didn't allow it.
Willing to use job monster / work scout/ superio any one of these themes. If you have any suggestions, please let me know about it.
Is there any way to parse the email data and create a new job post. Please help me to resolve this issue.
No paid task. Need help to learn the things
There is a lot to unpack here.
The main problem you are going to encounter is that the emails you are parsing may not all be formatted the same. To pull the info out of an email you will need to be able to generate some rules to extract it.
If however, the emails are formatted the same then you can use the "split" function in Zapier to pull out the various bits of data from the email. Once you have these you can create a new post with your Zap.
I would recommend looking for a Wordpress plugin that allows you to create lists with custom post types. WP-Bakery does this from memory. You can set up a custom feed based on that post type.
Hopefully this helps narrow down the process for you. Good Luck.

simple example for the creation of a custom directory namer

I have read the main idea of how Create a custom directory namer on github. But, I did not manage to know how to start. So, I am wondering if there is simple example for it.
Thank you very much.
You can find a sample DirectoryNamer here:

Translate Resource File

I'm developing a application and I use some components. I have a component with a resource file with a lot of keys in English. I need to translate it to Portuguese (Brazil, pt-br). I would like to know, if is there any way to translate it with a program? Or if is there a program that do this?
I have the same issues and was looking to use Google's Translation APIs, based on this article Automatic Resource File Translation via Google Translate
I will let you know how it goes - but obviously you may still need someone to validate the output, I know I will.
Maybe my free Zeta Resource Editor is of some help for you.
I have not been satisfied with the various solutions out there so I wrote something:

How to programmatically add new nodequeue?

I'm writing an install file for a custom module, that needs to create some new nodequeues. But a drupal and google search are so far turning up empty. Anyone know how to do this?
Drupal 6
The closet thing you come to a API function to save nodes is nodequeue_save, but all you really need to do, is to insert some data to the {nodequeue_queue} table. You can do it yourself with SQL or use the function, but the result will be the same.
You should remember to add the nodequeue module as a dependency in your module's info file and check if it's installed before running your stuff in hook_install.
Some API documentation might help you on the road?

Zope Plone 3.1.2 - export all users with email addresses

I have been running zope / plone site for about a year now - it seemed to be a pretty fast way of getting a CMS up and running and it's a great job for this - it's running 3.1.2 of plone. I am in now way a zope or plone expert (in fact the more I read about it - the less I know I know!) , but I am handy at python.
I have tried to export the users as xml - it fails with the unicode / id bug. I have tried export as a zexp file, but I can't actually find out how to read this file (I have tried import zope etc but I don't know what to do next !
I have found scripts that run listing all users, but these are for zope2 and, if I am honest, I wouldn't actually know how to install them anyway.
Can someone please either
1) tell me how to fix the id / unicode xml export bug? And please tell me in ways I can do directly on the site ?
2) show me how to read and zope zexp file and do something simple like put it into a dict ?
I didn't know so many people were going to sign up for using my site and now I wish to move the email list management to another system - hence the requirement for the export.
Thanks in advance,
Another way of extracting the email addresses of the users:
Go to the root of the Plone site in the ZMI.
Add a "Script (Python)".
Come up with a nice id e.g. "export_email".
Click on "Add and edit".
Replace the code in the text field with the code listed below.
Don't forget to save your changes.
Go to the "test tab".
The code for the script:
for member in context.portal_membership.listMembers():
print member.getProperty('email')
return printed
OK - I'm going to put an answer here anyway, just in case anybody else ever gets stuck with this issue.
It's a cheat really, but I edited the /portal_skins/custom/prefs_users_overview and changed the line below from :20 to :2000 and then just did a simple user search, and then I HTML scraped the mailto: addresses.
b_size request/b_size | python:2000;
If anybody else finds this useful, let me know !
